Getting Full Text Articles Using PubMed and CINAHL
In order to get full text articles, you will need to request them through ILLiad, a document delivery service provided by the SLU Medical Center Library (MCL). The following slides will show you how to register for an ILLiad account and how to request your articles from inside PubMed, using the FIND IT @ SLU button.
Create an ILLiad Account Use the ILLiad link under the Request Articles section
Click the First-Time Users link to register for an account
Fill in red star fields Use the number 777772017 as the SLU 9-digit ID number. Use your SSM email address for E-mail Address Use SSM User for Status Use Saint Louis University Hospital for Department Submit the form
Go to the SSM Library Services page to click on the PubMed or CINAHL links to start your search. The following slides will show you how to order articles using the FIND IT @ SLU button in PubMed.
Click on the Title to display the citation in abstract format
Click the FIND IT @ SLU button to order the article
You may see a page that looks like this… Click (MCL) link to order article through ILLiad. Click on the Request via Interlibrary Loan (MCL) link to order the article through ILLiad.
Click MCL link at RIGHT to order article through ILLiad Or you may be taken to a page that looks like this one… IGNORE THIS Click MCL link at RIGHT to order article through ILLiad Click on the Request via Interlibrary Loan (MCL) link to order the article through ILLiad. +
Or you could see this page…
Clicking Request via Interlibrary Loan (MCL) brings you to the ILLiad logon page. Logon with your ILLiad username and password
The form will be populated with your citation data. Check that all The form will be populated with your citation data. Check that all * fields have data in them. If not, fill the box with NA (not available), so the form works properly. Click the Submit Request button at the bottom of the page to complete your request. ------------------------ In 24-48 hours you will get an email (in your SSM email account) notifying you that your article is available to download. Follow the link in the email to your ILLiad logon page, logon and click on the Electronically Received Articles link under View to access your PDF copy of the article.
The article will remain in your ILLiad account for 30 days and then will be removed.
You will follow the same procedure to request articles in the CINAHL database using the FIND IT@ SLU button. Questions or need help? Please send an email to or call 314.977.8800 and ask to speak to a Reference Librarian