Mazel Salazar, Bryson Rector, Logan Simon, Jose Arredondo Vietnam War Mazel Salazar, Bryson Rector, Logan Simon, Jose Arredondo
The Geneva Conference Vietcong US, South Vietnam’s Supporter A new guerilla army of South Vietnamese Communists. By 1961, they established control over much of the countryside US, South Vietnam’s Supporter In order to resolve problems in Asia, representatives from the world’s powers met in Geneva, Switzerland, April 1954. The resulting Accords divided Vietnam along the 17th parallel, pro-communism in the north and anti-communism in the south, withdrawing all French forces.The nation would be reunited after elections to be held in 1956. Due to the Geneva Accords, France withdrew from Vietnam. In order to contain Communism, president Eisenhower increased American aid to South Vietnam
Was used to justify the support toward the non- communist. Kennedy Sending Troops To South Vietnam Approves sending 400 special troops and 100 other U.S military advisers to South Vietnam. Domino Theory Was used to justify the support toward the non- communist. governed U.S foreign policy in the early 1950’s. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Broad congressional approval for expansion of the war. President Lyndon B. Johnson and advisers feared that the public would not support on expansion of the war.
Support at Home Regarding the Vietnam War Roy Benavidez The Tet Offensive Support at Home Regarding the Vietnam War Roy Benavidez May 2, 1968. Benavidez with a 12 man force jumped out of helicopter armed with a knife surrounded by 1,000 men in a NVA battalion. Exposed himself to enemy fire to protect other soldiers and after several wounds refused to stop; saved 8 men. Survived 37 separate bullet, bayonet, and shrapnel wounds from 6 hour fight. January 30, 1968. Massive North Vietnamese surprise attack during Tet holiday. Coordinated series of attacks on over 100 cities in South Vietnam. Military officers Men More educated population called hawks(opponents called doves)
Napalm-A mixture of a gelling agent and petroleum, Sticks to skin causes severe burns. Guerilla warfare- MiLitary tactics including ambushes,sabotage,raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics Mai lai massacre-A company of American soldiers brutally killed the majority of the population of the south vietnamese hamlet Pentagon papers-name given to a secret department of defense study of political and military involvement in vietnam from 1945 to 1967, prepared at the request of secretary of defense Robert McNamara in 1967
Vietnam song ( fortunate son) ec0XKhAHR5I
Nixon’s Vietnam Policy Vietnamization was under the nixon policy. Army of South Vietnam gradually took over the brunt of the fighting, with withdrawal of the U.S. forces. For the diplomatic overtures Nixon negotiated with Vietnam’s communist allies, China and soviet union, putting pressure on North Vietnam.