Getting to Know You Q and A Assignment
Check out the samples on the next few slides. Magazines often feature questionnaires or “top ten” lists for readers to learn more about favorite celebs.
Alicia Keyes
A social issue about which I’m concerned right now is… PROMPTS The best book I’ve read recently/am reading now (summer reading counts!): A social issue about which I’m concerned right now is… A smile always appears on my face when… The TV shows I’m addicted to: My happy place is… Something on my bucket list is… After school, I can usually be found… A few people (living or dead) on my wish list for a dinner party include… My favorite family tradition… I’m proud to say that.. Some things I love about (insert fall, winter, spring, or summer) are… If I were a Super Hero, I’d be… If I could name a crayon color, I’d call it… I love being… I’m a little embarrassed to admit this, but… I have a job at… As soon as I win the lottery, I’m going to… One of the best gifts I ever received was… You might be surprised to know that… In 15 years… Q & A Assignment DIRECTIONS: You must address the first TWO prompts. Then, choose 4-5 additional prompts for response. Please provide your answer, and then explain it. As per the models in class, you must also include your name, a pic of yourself somewhere on the sheet you will turn in, and visual elements to reflect YOU. Be creative! Reminder: focus on the issue—avoid attacking people you may perceive as at fault
Avoid being too brief, nonspecific, or detached. My Sample When you create yours, feel free to design an original lay-out that you find visually interesting! I will be reading these and responding. So please offer something to which I can authentically respond! Avoid being too brief, nonspecific, or detached.