Our focus topics this term are: What will your child be learning in Year 1? Literacy: This term we are studying stories from other countries, stories about fantasy worlds, and recounts. We will be continuing to revise phonics phases 3,4 and 5 in the lead up to the phonics screening test towards the end of term and will continue to practice reading and handwriting. R.E. We do RE every week. Our focus topics this term are: ‘Holidays and Holy Days’, with reference to Ascension Day and Pentecost, as well as ‘Being Sorry’ and ‘Neighbours’ which will be explored through different aspects and teaching of faith. Numeracy: This term in maths we will continue to focus on number and place value. We will investigate properties of common 2D and 3D shapes, as well as working on telling time on both digital and analogue clocks. If you wish to support your child at home there are plenty of ideas later on in this pack. A Creative Curriculum Did you know that children learn best when their learning is linked? This is why we will be studying the topic of ‘buildings’ through lots of different subjects. We will be looking at buildings in the local area and what they are used for, as well as designing our own buildings based on observations of buildings in London. Science: This term we will be focusing on ‘plants’. We will be doing practical experiments and making observations to find out how plants grow, what they provide us with, and the range of different plants that surround us.