Barby Crabtree, Treasurer District 10 Financials Barby Crabtree, Treasurer
IRS Group Subordination
Young Professional Membership Approved as a pilot program at 2016 convention in Nice. This summer in Yokahama, the Young Professional Membership category was approved as a permanent category, for members 30 and younger.
Zonta International Dues Increase Beginning June 1, 2019 dues payable to ZI will be $88 (plus $3 insurance fee) for all US classified members This is an increase of $8
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 10 STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE BIENNIUM ENDED MAY 31,2018 Revenues Membership Dues $ 34,286 District Conferences 6,234 District Fundraisers 1,573 Direct Support 3,063 Area Meetings Income 1,552 Interest Income 57 Total Income $46,765
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 10 STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE BIENNIUM ENDING MAY 31, 2018 EXPENSES Board Meetings $ 14,070 Club Bell and Banner Awards 1,200 Board Attendance Conferences 8,130 Governor and Lt Governor 9,238 Area Directors expenses 1,236 Foundation Ambassador Committee Expense 1,033 262 Administrative and general 2,333 Total Expense 37,502 INCREASE IN NET ASSETS $ 9,709 NET ASSETS AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD $ 56,749 NET ASSETS AT END OF PERIOD $ 66,458
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 10 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION MAY 31, 2018 ASSETS Current Assets Cash and equivalents $ 79,562 Inventory Total Current Assets 79,562 Furniture and equipment AV Equipment 1,388 Accumulated Depreciation -1,388 Net Furniture and Equipment TOTAL ASSETS $79,562
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 10 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION MAY 31, 2018 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Deferred Revenue - Conference Assessment $ 1,872 Deferred Revenue - Dues 2018-2019 11,232 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $ 13,104 NET ASSETS Unrestricted 66,458 TOTAL NET ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 79,562
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 10 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE BIENNIUM ENDED MAY 31, 2018 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net Income $ 2,626 Adjustments to reconcile Change in Net Assets to cash provided by operations Change in assets and liabilities: Inventory 520 Accounts Payable -2,320 Deferred Revenue – Dues collected for next year 5,016 Deferred Revenue - Conference Assessment next year 836 NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITES 6,679 CASH AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD 72,884 CASH AT END OF PERIOD 79,562
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 10 COMPARISON OF BUDGET TO ACTUAL FOR THE BIENNIUM ENDING MAY 31, 2018 JUNE 1- 2016-2018 REVENUES May 31, 2018 BUDGET Membership Dues $29,318 $ 27,600 Assessment D10 Conference 4,968 4,600 Total Membership 34,286 32,200 District Conference 6,234 2,300 Area Meetings Income 1,552 1,500 Fundraising & Sales of merchandise 1,572 400 Interest 57 - Direct Support - Gifts in Kind 3,063 TOTAL REVENUES $46,764 36,460
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 10 COMPARISON OF BUDGET TO ACTUAL FOR THE BIENNIUM ENDING MAY 31, 2018 EXPENSES Actual Budget Board Meetings 14,069 8,500 Club Bell and Banner Awards 1,200 - Committee Expenses 262 200 District Board Expenses: Area Directors 1,236 2,000 Board Attendance Conferences 8,130 4,000 Foundation Ambassador 1,033 1,500 Governor 977 3,200 Lt Governor 518 1,700 Sponsoring/ Organizing/Mentoring 400 Total Board and Club Expenses 27,425 21,500
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 10 COMPARISON OF BUDGET TO ACTUAL FOR THE BIENNIUM ENDING MAY 31, 2018 Actual Budget Gifts -25 250 International Convention 2018: Convention Governor 3,905 4,000 Convention Lt Governor 3,837 Total International Convention 7,742 8,000 Conference Assessment Paid 5,084 4,600 Supporting services: Administrative 2,333 1,710 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 42,559 36,060 REVENUES OVER EXPENSES $ 4,205 $ 400
Zonta International District 10 Foundation Financial Reports MAY 31, 2018
ZONTA INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 10 FOUNDATION STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE BIENNIUM ENDING MAY 31, 2018 REVENUES Silent Auction $5,338 Flag Auction 1,451 Ind Contributions/Amazon Smile 50 Total Revenues 6,839 EXPENSES JMK Scholarship 2,000 Rose Scholarship STEM Award 1,000 YWPA Award Total Awards 7,000 Insurance/bonds 422 Total Expense 7,422 DECREASE IN NET ASSETS -571 NET ASSETS BEGINNING OF PERIOD $16,259 NET ASSETS END OF PERIOD $15,688
Zonta International District 10 Foundation Statement of Financial Position May 31, 2018 ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Cash in Bank $ 15,687 Total Cash/Savings Total Assets LIABILITIES & EQUITY Equity Opening Balance Equity $ 11,884 Unrestricted Net Assets 3,517 Net Income 286 Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY