Industrial Internship/ Industrial Experience Prof. D. Schreurs Prof. M. Heyns (local Master) Prof. B. Sorée (EMM)
Industrial Internship/Experience Website: Contact Persons Internship coordinator: Prof. dr. ir. Dominique Schreurs office: ESAT 02.16; Program director EMM: Prof. dr. ir. Bart Sorée office: IMEC; e-mail: Program director Master nano: Prof. dr. ir. Marc Heyns office: IMEC; 5
Industrial Internship/Experience Main goals Internship ≠ summer job But: experiencing daily way of working in industry as a nano master graduate working in a team, reporting to a manager, … To realise something of value for the company in a limited time When and how? summer period between 1st and 2d phase of Master (Aug/Sept. exams!) ISP entry: 1st semester phase II Industrial Internship: min. 6 weeks → 6 ECTS Industrial Experience: min. 4 weeks → 3 ECTS 5
Procedure: Step I Identify a company Past internships International students/internshipcompanies International e.g., IAESTE network, Humasol/VLIR, ... See VTK website: Any company in nano field …. 5
Non-exhaustive Company List Companies in Belgium Cochlear (Mechelen) Solvay (Neder-over-Heembeek) NXP (Leuven) Melexis (Ieper) Nanocyl (Namen) Umicore (Olen) Xenics (Leuven) Europlasma (Oudenaarde) On Semiconductor (Oudenaarde) Thrombogenics (Leuven) Peptisyntha (Brussels) Arcelor Metal (Gent) AB Inbev (various locations) ….
International Internships Companies abroad ITRI (Taiwan) Panasonic (Japan) Intel (Ireland) CERN (Switzerland) TNO, ASML, VSL, Holst Centre (The Netherlands) …. Notes KU Leuven doesn’t allow unsafe destinations ( Don’t forget about visa and possible vaccinations (see Check your health insurance. The KU Leuven insurance only covers work accidents and limited liability if you damage some property of the company Agree clearly on reimbursement (travel/stay/ …) 5
Step 1: Identify a Company Where? Companies: OK imec: OK BUT: you can NOT do internship and master thesis in same company! Research institutes? case by case Other universities: NO How long? If company requires longer internship (> 2 months), consider performing a Master Thesis in such company instead of ‘Industrial Internship’ Note: no stipend in case of Master Thesis
Procedure: Step 2 Agree with company on an internship work plan subject should be in field of nano master! discus in an early stage with internship coordinator to avoid disappointment subject should be different from master thesis! work plan = 1 page pdf name and address of company supervisor within the company (with his/her email address) description of the planned work start and end dates of internship end of March: send work plan by e-mail to programme director and internship coordinator for preliminary approval (technical) do not start with the legal part unless the work plan has been approved! [if abroad:] ask for KU Leuven permission as well 5
Procedure: Step 3 Complete legal documents contract KU Leuven model contract: available on website distinction between contracts for internships with and without ECTS! if company requires other contract, e.g., IPR phrasing (example: imec) contact internship coordinator any deviation from model contract requires approval by KU Leuven legal department, which can take several weeks! 3 hardcopies, to be signed by student, company, and internship coordinator HSE-file (Health, Safety, and Environment) Strict deadline: April 30th! (also if no ECTS!!!) 5
HSE-file (see your KU Loket) 10 5
Procedure If no stipend (possible expense reimbursement is OK): Preliminary Approval (Model) contract between KU Leuven, student, and company (possibly:) NDA between company, student, KU Leuven HSE form, to be signed by company Evaluation If stipend: Contract between student and company Company should take care of insurance, HSE, social security, etc.
Before/During Internship Let us know ASAP if something goes wrong subject changed, illness of yourself or the company supervisor supervisor not (or too little) available accident 5
Procedure: After the Internship Written reporting instructions: see website Industrial internship: 25 pages; 15 pages for Industrial Experience Plagiarism rules apply! hand in at the latest on first working day after Nov. 2nd Oral reporting presentation (20 min. + 5 min. Q&A) typically in November; schedule is prepared in October company supervisor is invited to this presentation via Skype if needed (e.g., EMM student, company supervisor) Final note an internship executed without technical + legal approvals will not be ISP approved! 5
Be Aware for Plagiarism and Fraud Plagiarism is any identical or lightly-altered use of one's own or someone else’s work (ideas, texts, structures, images, plans, and so on…) without adequate reference to the source: The literal or near-literal use of (part of) someone else’s text Copying images, diagrams, graphics, figures, sound or image fragments, etc. Paraphrasing someone else’s arguments Translating texts Fraud Falsifying research data Make sure that you use the correct way to make references in your text (e.g., reference to publications, book chapters, “literal quotes”, …) Sanctions at KU Leuven are severe!
Procedure - Timeline now: identify a company and a topic end of March: apply for technical approval April [if internship abroad] :apply for KU Leuven permission April 30th (strict deadline!): apply for legal approval Deadline is strict, whether you apply for ECTS or not!!! May [if internship abroad]: apply for visa, if required May/June: perform a medical examination, if required July – September: internship start academic year: include Internship/Experience in your ISP first working day after Nov. 2nd: deadline written report during November: oral presentation + Q&A 5