Reducing the Risk from Mercury in North America A Project of the Sound Management of Chemicals Working Group CEC Council Session - 24 June 2009 But the story of the Sound Management of Chemicals program is not merely about reducing the risk from chemicals one-by-one in North America. Through a consultative process, and by direction of the Council, SMOC has worked to refocus it’s work through the priorities of: enhancing information for decision-making, capacity building, and integrating trade and environment concerns. SMOC’s agenda uses trilateral strategies that focus cooperation through four primary areas of work. The first of these areas, “Establishing a foundation for chemicals management across North America” seeks: To share information on policies, institutions, and processes; To improve comparability of chemical management tools across the three countries; and To identify gaps and promote capacity building to assist Mexico in improving its chemicals management capacity at the national level. Providing technical and financial assistance to develop a Mexican inventory of industrial chemicals in commerce is one of the key aspects of this area. Second, SMOC seeks to “Develop and implement a sustainable regional approach for environmental and human bio-monitoring.” Efforts under this area include building capacity for the initiation and integration of a Mexican national monitoring and assessment program (“Programa Nacional de Monitoreo y Evaluación Ambiental” (PRONAME) into a North American sustainable regional monitoring initiative. Third, through “Reducing the risk from chemicals of mutual concern in North America,” SMOC is continuing to reduce the exposure of North Americans to emerging substances and classes of chemicals of mutual concern through risk reduction strategies. Some of the chemicals SMOC is currently tackling include Mercury, Lindane and dioxins. Finally, SMOC seeks to “Improve the environmental performance of sectors” and to develop and apply successful models of integrated environmental management and government/private sector cooperation. It is also important to note that the gamete of work done by the SMOC WG supports the Parties as they fulfill their commitments under a number of international agreements, and aligns to those objectives, such as the World Summit on Sustainable Development’s goal of “aiming to achieve, by 2020, that chemicals are used and produced in ways that lead to the minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment.” Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Sound Management of Chemicals Working Group Reducing the Risk from Mercury in North America Sound Management of Chemicals Working Group The Sound Management of Chemicals Working Group (SMOC WG) was established in 1995 to reduce the risks of toxic chemicals to human health and the environment in North America. Chemical sector investment in North America: more that $11 billion in next 2 years Past accomplishments include reduction or elimination of the use of chemicals of mutual concern such as DDT, PCBs and chlordane Commission for Environmental Cooperation
In 2008, a Renewed Strategic Direction Reducing the Risk from Mercury in North America In 2008, a Renewed Strategic Direction Supports parties in meeting national commitments and fulfilling international obligations under WSSD 2020, SAICM and multi-lateral environmental agreements Establish a foundation for chemicals management across North America Develop and implement a sustainable regional approach for monitoring toxic substances in humans and the environment Reduce the risk from chemicals of mutual concern in North America Improve environmental performance of sectors [BRIEF TPs needed] Commission for Environmental Cooperation
Mercury: Recent Accomplishments Reducing the Risk from Mercury in North America Mercury: Recent Accomplishments A toxic metal dispersed globally by air and water currents and which accumulates in humans through food consumption, most notably in the North. Accomplishments and results of the past two years: Mexican Mercury Market Report Study Identified and prioritized sources of mercury in the marketplace Made concrete recommendations for a path forward for reducing consumption of mercury and handling supply. Mercury Reductions in the Health Care Sector Reduced use of mercury in hospitals (e.g. thermometers)
Accomplishments and results of the past two years (continued) Reducing the Risk from Mercury in North America Accomplishments and results of the past two years (continued) Tri-national Maternal Blood Monitoring Provided comparable monitoring data on mercury in maternal blood across North America (report in 2009) Built capacity for assessment of contaminant levels in blood Lake Zapotlan Study Identified human sewage as the major source of mercury in the lake Case study for UN Mercury Programme Base for the upcoming negotiations Indentified and prioritized mercury in the market place Recommendations for reductions 2 Mexican children’s hospitals mercury free Substitutes for 5000 broken thermometers annually Commission for Environmental Cooperation
North American environment Reducing the Risk from Mercury in North America Benefits to the North American environment Reduced mercury use, release and exposure Provided information for decision makers e.g., results from monitoring and assessment activities Increased data comparability, reliability and availability Improved health of citizens in the three countries Improved competitiveness through regional conformity Demonstrated North American leadership in international fora UNEP, GRULAC, SAICM Commission for Environmental Cooperation
the Sound Management of Chemicals Project for the Sound Management of Chemicals Thank you Gracias Merci © Commission for Environmental Cooperation / 2009