Dr. Yagya Singh Dept. of Physical Education R. K. K. M YOGA Dr. Yagya Singh Dept. of Physical Education R. K. K. M
2 Questions What is Yoga? What is the evidence that Yoga has health benefits?
Yoga 5000 years old founded in India The word “Yoga” means “yoke” or “unity” translated from Sanskrit, the classical language of India. It also means “discipline” or “effort.
Yoga Yoga requires you to make an effort to unify your body and mind. You do this by concentrating your awareness on your physical body through breathing and postures.
Meditation is part of Yoga Meditation is a technique in which the meditator seeks not only to reach a deep state of relaxation, but to quiet the mind. The mind is a chattering monkey that one tries to make quiet with meditation.
Types of Yoga The approach to Yoga that focuses on postures is called Hatha (haht-hah) Yoga. Ananda Ashthanga Bikram Iyengar Kundalini Sivananda Viniyoga
Yoga Pose
Classic Asanas (Main Yoga Postures) 1(a). Sarvangasana Shoulderstand (all limbs posture) 3 times Up to 5 minutes each
1(b). Sarvangasana Shoulder stand (with lotus) 3 times Up to 5 minutes each
2. Matsyamudra Fish Posture 3 times Half the time of Sarvaungasana (maximum 2.5 minutes each)
Matsyendrasana Spinal Twist 4 rounds each side (right and left) 30 seconds each side (length = 4x2x30) Do both right and left sides each round
Cakrasana Wheel Posture 4 times 30 seconds each