MRKT 485 BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS MARKETING Dr. Ugur Yucelt Fall 2002 Classroom: E309 Olmsted Class Hours: R: 6:00-8:45 Office Hours: TR 2:00-3:30 and 5:00-6:00 pm. E-Mail:
REQUIRED TEXT Frank G. Bingham and Roger Gomes. Business Marketing: (2th Edition), NTC Publishing group, 2001. Supplementary Readings: Articles in Industrial Marketing Journal, Journal of Marketing, Fortune, Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and others.
Course Description Course builds upon marketing principle course. Focuses on industrial marketing. Emphasis is given to managerial decision making. Covers marketing strategy, marketing systems, research, promotion, pricing and distribution in a real life environment. Lectures, discussion, small group discussion, application, course project and case presentation.
Course objectives Introduce business marketing concepts and applications. Introduce problem solving and decision making in business-to-business setting. Apply theory and practice. Provide framework for demand analysis, segmentation, global and e-commerce issues.
Course Assignment Written case analysis (Maximum 10-15 pages) and presentation . Course project(maximum 10-15 pages) and presentation. Maximum of three quizzes. Small group discussion and Class participation.
Case Studies Pedagogical way to bring the real world into the classroom. Training as a decision maker. Mandatory class discussion. Mandatory type written case report. Library and Internet research will be very useful.
Requirements for Case Analysis Group of two/three students. 10-15 pages written case report at the end of presentation. Critiqued by two/three students. No perfect solution for the cases; however, you should look for organization, originality, creativity, depth of coverage and clarity.
Outline for Case Report and presentation Problem identification Alternatives Evaluation of alternatives Pros Cons Selection the best alternative Recommendation Managerial implementation
Guidelines for Case Analysis and presentation Group members who are responsible to present the case will lead the discussion. Case presentation will be evaluated by another group. Each group should select a leader for assignments, meetings and problems. Group leader should inform me if there is a problem. End of semester, peer review is mandatory. Others must read the case and prepare their own solution to participate in class discussion.
Guidelines for Research Report Related to any type of business marketing topic/operations (see the suggested topics listed in the syllabus). Submit a proposal for review and approval Conduct research to collect information/sources about your project . Write complete report. Present research report in class between 14th and 15th Week. Submit research report for grading at the last class of this semester.
Research Report/project (cont.) Maximum two/three students: Learning process. Provides opportunity to work collaboratively. Enables to develop skills in recognizing responsibility, setting deadlines, setting expectations for performance, integrating diverse intellectual and personal styles and opinions. Tactical and diplomatic solutions to the problems. Explore a topic in greater depth than when shouldering the responsibility individually.
Outline For A Research Proposal Title Introduction/Background: Situation Analysis Purpose/objective of the Study Methodology Bibliography/References
Small Group Discussion It is mandatory in each class: You will discuss chapter/reading with your group members during the class. You will develop set of questions as result of your group discussion. Your questions will be discussed in class at the end. Questions will be submitted to me including the names of each member who are attending the group discussion/contribution on that day.
Other Assignments Class participation: Attendance: Make-up exams: It is mandatory at the end of group discussions, case presentations, and presentations of reports/ projects. Attendance: It is very important for class discussion. It will be control in weekly basis. Make-up exams: It will be given, if there is uncontrollable circumstances. Please let me know beforehand, if you will take a make-up test
Other Assignments (cont.) Academic integrity: See the syllabus for details. Students with disabilities:
Grading Policy Quiz I.....................................15% Quiz II....................................15% Quiz III...................................15% Cases/presentation...................25% Research project/presentation..20% Class participation....................10%
Grading Guidelines 94 and above………………A 90-93.9…………………….A- 77-79.9…………………….C+ 70-76.9…………………….C 60-69.9…………………….D Below 60…………………..F
Contents of the Course* Weeks I to III Chpts. 1-3 Week IV Chpt. 4 QUIZ I Week V Chpt 5 Week VI Chpt 6 Proposals Due for Course project Week VII Chpt. 7 Week VIII Chpt 8 QUIZ II Fall Break October 14-15
Contents of the Course (Cont.) Week IX Chpt 9 Week X Chpt 10 Week XI Chpt 11 Week XII Chpt 12 Week XIII Chpt 13 QUIZ III Week XIV Presentations of Research Report Week XV Presentations of Research Reports * Suggested List, subject to change.