Writing targets www.earlybirdyeducation.com This breakdowns the writing coverage into manageable targets to ensure children meet the 30-50 month age band.


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Presentation transcript:

Writing targets www.earlybirdyeducation.com This breakdowns the writing coverage into manageable targets to ensure children meet the 30-50 month age band in writing. www.earlybirdyeducation.com

Writing Targets 30-50 months www.earlybirdyeducation.com I can show interest in print in books and print in the environment. I can recognise familiar words and signs such as own name and advertising logos. I can begin to write Some letters in My name. I can sometimes give meaning to marks made. I can copy Some letters. I can show a preference of using a dominant hand when drawing. I draw lines and circles using gross motor movements. I can hold a pencil between thumb and two fingers. www.earlybirdyeducation.com