Optical setup & MEMS simulations Jayan Ozhikandathil Supervisor: Prof. Yves-Alain Peter Laboratary for Micro and Nanosystems Département de génie physique - Polytechnique Montréal 30-05-2008
Introduction Measurements: Reflection and transmission spectra with normal incidence of white light Reflection and transmission spectra analysis as a function of angle of incidence Optical setup includes: A broad band source Spectroscopy instrument High resolution Optical components
Characterisation setup camera 2 camera 1 flip mirror lens lens iris detector source flip mirror beam splitter sample polariser Measurements Reflection Transmission Angular dependence
Microscope objective (58373) UTR 120 Newport 562 xyz Newport UMR 12.40 Newport Microscope objective XYZ stage XYZ stage XYZ stage Rotation stage Microscope objective (58373) Metal (steel )block Metal (steel )block Single axis stage
Reflection spectrum as function of θs sample θi s 2θs D sample rotation θr
Optical setup: future tasks Realization of complete setup Measurements of transmission, reflection spectra and angular dependence on it. Studies on polarization dependence on spectra Behavior of QD emission on PhC Slab Behavior of QD emission with lateral and vertical tuning of double layer PhC Behavior of QD emission with vertical tuning of single layer PhC
MEMS for the tuning of Photonic crystal Tuning of optical properties of PhC slabs can be achieved in a double layer PhC arrangement SiN SiO2 Si + - SiN SiO2 Si ~ Lateral tuning Vertical tuning
MEMS actuator design using CoventorWare 1. Lateral Tuning Undesirable effects due to levitation effects in fields in the vertical axis ~20nm upward movement noticed Displacement vs. voltage
MEMS Lateral tuning… 2. Lateral tuning Negligible upward movement
Single slab Vertically tunable PhC
+Ve Single slab tunable PhC Process
Future tasks on MEMS design Integration of vertical and lateral tuning in a single design Design of suitable flexures which supports the vertical and later actuation
Thank you!