Middletown High School 2018 Open House
MHS Guidance Department Mrs. Capone - 9 - 10th Grade A – K Ms. Bryant - 9 - 10th Grade L – Z Mrs. Mile - 11-12th Grade A – G Mr. Jamison - 11-12th Grade H – O Mrs. Haupt - 11-12th Grade P – Z Mrs. Simon-Irby - Career/College Advising Mrs. Foreman - Guidance Secretary Dr. Perrine - Guidance Supervisor
Graduation Requirements Class of 2019 Course Units of Credit English 4 Social Studies 4 Mathematics 4 (1 credit must be during 12th grade) Science 3* Career Pathway 3 Foreign Language 2* Electives 3.5 Physical Education 1 Health 0.5 Student Success Plan 0.5 Senior Project 0.5 *UD prefers 4 sciences/3 Foreign Languages Total of 26 credits needed to graduate.
Please note application deadlines as you finalize the list of schools Apply To College Please note application deadlines as you finalize the list of schools - Early Action and Early Decision - Priority Deadlines for some majors - Regular Admissions - Rolling Admissions Allow 10 School Days for processing
College Application Process Complete/submit college applications Include all necessary forms Resume, LOR, Essay Request recommendations ASAP Ask teachers; complete parent brag sheet & sr profile – return to guidance Prepare essays now Ask questions when you are unsure Allow 10 School Days for processing
College Application Process September/October - finalize college choices Research College Websites Plan visits if possible College Reps will visit MHS – sign up in guidance; info listed on Schoology HBCU Information Night – 8/25 ASD College Fair 10/18 New Castle County College Fair –11/14/2018 at the University of Delaware (Bob Carpenter Center)
College Application Process For Processing Allow 10 School Days
Allow 10 School Days for processing
SAT / ACT / ASVAB SAT ACT ASVAB Register Online at http://ww.collegeboard.com October 6 (MHS), November 3 (MHS), December 1 (AHS) ACT Register Online at http://actstudent.org October 27, December 8, February 9 ASVAB October 15th , Spring TBD
Financing College FAFSA Scholarship Compendium (mailed home) SEED Program - cumulative GPA 2.5 Delaware Tech UD Associate of Arts Program Inspire – Cumulative GPA 2.75 Scholarships listed on MHS website
Career Center Parent Boot Camp Career Cruising/SSP – sr requirement HBCU Info Session 9/25 (6:30-8:30) College App/Common App– 10/3 (6:30PM)*Boot camp ASD College Fair 10/18 (6:30-8:30) Funding Education-10/24 (6:30pm)*Boot Camp FAFSA Completion support-11/14 & 2/20 (6:30) Boot Camp Guide to Scholarships-12/5 (6:30pm) *Boot Camp
Career Center Services College Representative Visits Job Search Resume Building Interview Skills Military Careers Volunteer Information College/Job Fair College Application Week October 15th – 19th Remind students of shared schools. Appointment are requested.
Senior Project The Senior Project is a graduation requirement. All students in Appoquinimink School District must complete. There are 4 components to the Senior Project: the Written Component, the Product, the Presentation, and the Portfolio. Information regarding Senior Project is shared with students during Advisory.
Readers/Advisors/Senior Project Committee Each Senior is assigned a Reader who will evaluate all components of the Senior Project. The Senior Project Committee: Mrs. Dalton, Ms. Gleason, Mrs. Llewellyn and Dr. Perrine Evaluate all Topic Approval Forms, and work with Readers, Advisors, and students.
Important Dates Topic Approval forms & Parent Notification letters were due in May 2017. Rough Draft Background Research (project intro, 3 page research, 3 references)-September 25th Final Draft (project intro, 4-5 page research, 5 references)--November 27th Resume--January 29th Reflection - February 26th Presentation, Product, and Portfolio--March 7th Commit to memory and write in agenda/task calendar. Students who have finished on time, started early and worked on senior project every week.