It’s Wandsworth CCG’s 1st birthday! Have a look at what NHS Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group has achieved – with your help – over the past year...
Have a look at what NHS Wandsworth CCG has Getting the best services and treatments Opened Urgent Care Centres at St George's and Queen Mary's Roehampton: available 24 hours a day, urgent care centres treat people with illnesses and injuries that are not life-threatening, so A&E doctors can focus on real emergencies. Fielded nearly 40,000 calls to NHS 111: the free, easy to remember number for residents to call when they need medical help fast. New ‘Single Point of Contact’ service: over 1,000 vulnerable or elderly residents have accessed community services such as night nursing, specialist nursing, rehab and therapy services via a single number – NHS 111. Better care for adults with dementia: the new Wandsworth Memory Assessment Service provides people with suspected dementia a simpler route to diagnosis, support and treatment and has improved our diagnosis rate. Helped put 4,800 smokers on the path to a smoke-free future by supporting local GPs to refer patients to the stop smoking service. Have a look at what NHS Wandsworth CCG has achieved – with your help – over the past year... Putting patients and quality at the heart of everything we do Streamlined hospital referrals for over 2,000 outpatients: Kinesis enables GPs to talk to hospital consultants before making a referral, ensuring a better experience for patients. Wandsworth Self Management Programme gives patients with long term conditions access to free courses, information, advice, tools and techniques to help them improve and manage their health. Getting patients involved: our patient-led Patient and Public Involvement reference group is the driving force behind our locality patient groups, our thriving Youth Health Jury and our popular Wandsworth Health Involvement Zone WHIZ roadshows. A prevention-focused falls and bone health service: we identify people at risk of falls and fracture and give them support to improve their stability and promote good bone health. Our work has cut the number of falls-related emergency admissions for people age 65 and over. Better mental health care: more talking therapies, improved young people’s access to services and an enhanced patient experience, particularly for patients from black and minority ethnic communities. ‘Make a Difference’ clinical alert system enables GPs to raise patients’ concerns about the services we commission, so that we can address |issues quickly and improve care. Encouraging clinical leadership Promoted clinical leadership: our 43 member practices all work in a locality so all GPs can have a say on their area. Developed clinical and practice staff expertise: our Members Development Programme and forums for Locality Members, Practice Managers, and Practice Nurses enable everyone, from doctors to receptionists, to develop their commissioning and clinical skills. Enabled GP-led commissioning: each of our major workstreams is led by a GP with input from other GPs across the borough, ensuring that patients have access to the services they need.