Today’s Objective SWBAT: Identify the reversal in a scene.
Critical Thinking You may be wondering: What is a reversal? We are going to watch three film clips containing reversals. As we watch, think about what these clips all have in common. Doing this will help you to figure out what a reversal is!
Film Scenes with Reversals: Dumb and Dumber: Indiana Jones - Raiders of the Lost Ark: Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back:
Now, in your journal... Write down the word “Reversal” and try to define it based on the observations and connections you made while viewing! Reversal - I think a reversal is...
The Reversal - An unexpected twist in the. story that makes the viewer The Reversal - An unexpected twist in the story that makes the viewer want to continue watching. Filmmakers call it a REVERSAL because it takes the viewer in a new direction. *Find the reversal in the scenes “I’m Not in the Mood” and “Off to DC” Challen Make comparison to writing, read the next paragraph
Class Discussion What was the surprise at the end of each scene?
The Reversal: Film Scene Work with your team to develop a scene that contains a reversal… meaning at some point during the scene the story takes a surprising turn or twist.
Step 1: In your journals, work with your group to brainstorm and draft a creative narrative scene containing a reversal. (break your narrative scene into 3 parts labeled beginning, middle, and end)
Example: Beginning - Timmy walks into his first period classroom. He is smiling and happy, and he sees that the teacher has posted a new seating chart. Middle - He looks at the new seating chart and sees that he has been assigned to sit next to the “mean” guy in class: a big, strong, angry-looking student with piercings and tattoos. End - Timmy awkwardly walks up next to the “mean” guy, and accidentally bumps him when sitting down. The “mean” guy slowly turns toward Timmy, flexing his muscles and seeming unstable… and then forms a big smile on his face, says “Hi, friend!” and reaches out to offer Timmy a handshake.
Step 2 A) Raise your hand to get your group’s scene approved by the teacher B) Copy your narrative scene onto a large posterboard sheet (using markers to write) and add illustrations at the four corners of the paper.
Homework: On a sheet of looseleaf paper, identify and describe a reversal that you have witnessed in a book, movie, or in your own life. Write at least 50 words for your response.