More Dictators of the World Hitler Has Friends More Dictators of the World
Hitler was not the only dictator during the 1930’s Italy = Benito Mussolini Spain= Francisco Franco Japan = Emperor Hirohito Russia = Joseph Stalin
A Quick Review Question: What was the League of Nations? Answer: When delegates from countries meet to solve problems without using violence…..the league was made after WWI to stop another war from happening
When Hitler began to do bad things in Europe the League of Nations did nothing
Japan In 1931 Japan had many economic problems because of high birthrates Japan needed more living space so they took over some land in China called Manchuria. The Japanese changed the name of Manchuria to Manchuko.
Emperor Hirohito
Italy After WWI the prices for items increased by 500% Benito Mussolini went to Rome (capital city) and became the dictator…..his followers were called The Black Shirts Mussolini invaded Ethiopia (a country in Africa) The League of Nations did nothing Mussolini killed 300,000 people
The Soviet Union By the late 1920’s Joseph Stalin became dictator of the Soviet Union Stalin wanted to make the Soviet Union a powerful country through industrialization In the 1930’s people who went against Stalin were sent to Gulag camps (labour camps) Stalin killed close to 20 million people….mostly through starvation
Spain When the king of Spain left in 1931the people needed a new leader Francisco Franco became the new leader and killed those who went against him He got help from Mussolini and Hitler. His goal was to make Spain a powerful country Canada sent soldiers called The MacPaps to help the people of Spain Over 500,000 people died because of Franco