Welcome to English First Day 2017-2018
How do I determine my seat? Lineup in alphabetical order by the (first name) name you like to be called. Use last names and then middle names as tie-breakers. Then sit with students whose names are closest to your name in the alphabet. Be prepared to share your name and something about you with the class. For example: your favorite band, favorite place to vacation, favorite class, etc. Then sit with an equal number of students at Tables 1-4. Remaining students sit at Table 5. When all are seated, the last student raises his or her hand and reports that the class is ready."
Note Card Activity The tallest person from each group will come to the front and get an index card for each group member. On your note card, write the following: English class is like Now, complete that thought creating a simile. Write your first and last name, and the period you are in on the front of the note card. Example: Daniel Purcell, Period 1 Your note card will be your exit ticket to be turned in as you leave class today.
This or That Which animal makes a better pet...dog or cat?
This or That Would you rather be indoors or outdoors?
This or That Mountains or beach?