Healthier Homes, Healthier Families 1
Healthy Legacy Coalition “Promoting the production and use of everyday products without toxic chemicals” Clean Water Action is co-founder of the public health coalition Healthy Legacy, which consists of 36 organizations including the MN PTA, MN Nurses Association, Learning Disabilities Association and others who came together in 2006 because of the growing body of scientific evidence linking rising rates of disease and exposure to environmental toxins.
Why toxins are in our consumer products How toxic chemical exposure impacts health Steps you can take in your home to reduce exposure What is happening in Minnesota and nationally to address this problem During this presentation, we will talk about which products contain harmful chemicals, their safer alternatives, and steps you can take in your homes and communities to protect your health
Did anyone hear about this action by the FDA Did anyone hear about this action by the FDA? Consumers don't need to use antibacterial soaps, and some of them may even be dangerous according to the Food and Drug Administration .Banned from hand and body washes- companies have 1 year to phase out. So why were chemicals later to be found harmful allowed in these products?
Everyday products are made with thousands of chemicals, and few have been adequately tested for their health effects on people The majority of chemicals founds in our shampoo, cleaners, and other products have not been adequately tested for how they impact our health or the health of the environment. 5 5
New Toxic Substances Control Act EPA will be working through a backlog of tens of thousands of chemicals At a rate of only 20 chemicals at a time Passed in June of 2016- First update to federal law in 40 years, Gives EPA new authority to assess chemical safety
Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CEC) Improved research methods means more chemicals are being detected in new places New chemicals are being developed at an astonishing rate Old chemicals are being used in new ways
Chemicals in our Bodies Average of 43 chemicals in pregnant women Source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data from 2003-2004
Indoor Air Pollution There are many ways chemicals can enter our bodies, one significant route of exposure is indoor air pollution. Good Morning America did a news segment examining this problem. They found 300 chemicals in the indoor air of a newly furnished nursery (new paint, carpeting, furniture) and only 2 chemicals in the air right outside the door of the same home. Photo by Bill Roehl
We can protect ourselves by using common sense and preventing unnecessary exposures We can protect ourselves by avoiding known toxic chemicals and preventing unnecessary exposures to chemicals. What are current steps you take in your home to protect your families safety? (smoke detector, seat belts, etc). Adding unnecessary exposures to chemicals is just another item to add to that list. I’m not saying all chemicals are bad but we need to exercise caution given the current lack of testing 10 10
Buy Kid Safe Products Buy products made from materials such as: Wood Cloth Glass Stainless steel Resources and recommendations:
Use Prudence with Plastic MICROWAVE in glass or ceramic, NOT plastic CHOOSE safer plastics #1, #2, #4 & #5 AVOID #3 vinyl/pvc #6 styrofoam #7PC polycarbonate When we use plastic, we need to be thoughtful with how we use it. Have any of you heard you shouldn’t microwave in plastic? Why? (chemicals leach) Avoid using plastics in the microwave - instead use glass. This includes frozen food entrees in plastic containers. Some plastics are also safer than others. How do you tell what kind of plastic you have? (look for number) Plastics labeled 1, 2, 4, or 5 are safer. Look at the number in the triangle on the plastic to see what type it is. Has anyone heard you should avoid vinyl plastic? Why? Vinyl contains a chemical (phthalates) banned from children’s products in 2009. It is a hormone disrupting chemical linked to reproductive and respiratory problems. Look for the number 3 or the word “vinyl” on packaging. Who has heard about BPA? What have you heard about it? BPA is also a hormone disrupting chemical linked to early onset puberty, childhood obesity and cancer. It is used in polycarbonate plastic - #7PC 12
Choose Safe Food Packaging AVOID canned food with BPA lining BUY fresh, frozen or dried food CHOOSE Tetra packs or glass jars Another place we can find BPA is in food can linings. How many of you knew it was in food can linings? Food packaging is a significant source of BPA- leaches from cans into food. BPA – in 93% of Americans according to the CDC. 2011 study: Participants ate freshly prepared meals (no canned food) used glass storage containers. Reduced BPA level by 60% on average. BPA Free Can lining: Eden Organic BPA will leave your body in one day but most of us have BPA in our bodies because we are constantly being re-exposed.
Check for Flame Retardants Look for TB 117 tag. replace item when possible BUY upholstered furniture with TB117-2013 tag with “does not contain flame retardants” REDUCE dust WASH hands frequently, especially kids Talk about new california law Alkawa ke
Be Picky About Personal Care Products CHOOSE Safe Products Skin Deep Database WASH with mild soaps AVOID Antibacterial Soaps How many body products do you think the average woman uses? Average man? The average woman uses 12 body products per day and the average man 6. Yet only 20% of personal care product chemicals have been assessed for safety. We can find safe products by visiting the Skin Deep Database. Has anyone used this site? The database was developed by the Environmental Working Group, an organization that works for the public interest. Explain how the database works. Pull up database and look up some products It is also best to use mild soaps without artificial fragrances and avoid antibacterial soaps which contain Triclosan, a hormone disrupting chemical. Alcohol based hand santizer is a good alternative for on the go hand cleaning. 15
Clean without chemicals Make your own cleaning products Choose safe products Use Healthy Cleaning Guide You can improve indoor air quality and save money by making your own cleaning products using vinegar,& baking soda. How many people currently do this? Why did you start? If you don’t want to make your own products, look for safe products using the Healthy Cleaning Guide 16
Don’t Get Too Stressed Out Anyone feeling overwhelmed? Think about 1- 2 things that will be easiest to change and start there. Photo by Dee
CLEAN WATER ACTION Protecting Minnesota’s lakes, river, streams and drinking water Clean Water Action works to protect Minnesota’s water and many of these chemicals have been detected in our water and pose a threat to its health. Endocrine Disruptors in the Great Lakes Microbead plastics PFAS
Healthy Legacy’s Vision for Minnesota “We envision a future in which the health of Minnesotans is protected by creating safe products made safely” We know we can and must do better than we are. That is why we are part of a state and national movement to make sure people and products are free of toxic chemicals so that our health and the health of future generations is protected. John Schilling
Minnesota Leads Nation Prohibits BPA in Baby Bottles Sippy Cups Children’s food packaging Banned Formaldehyde in children’s body products Four flame retardants from upholstered furniture & kid’s products Thanks to the work of our coalition, Minnesota has been a national leader in protecting children’s health from toxic chemicals in kid’s products.
Steps for a Safer Home & Community CHANGE your behavior SUPPORT protective policies GET INVOLVED So there are simple steps you can take in your home and community to protect your families from toxins. They are (read list and give examples. 21
Clean Water Action/ Healthy Legacy Coalition Tom Johnson Clean Water Action/ Healthy Legacy Coalition Questions?