第一课 你好
What am I learning today? Greetings Sentence patterns 你好! Hello. 你好吗? How are you? 我很好。 I’m fine. Vocabulary 你 , 好 , 您 , 我 , 吗 , 很 nǐ hǎo nín wǒ ma hěn Characters:你,我,好,四,五,六,七
How to say hello in Mandarin? Warm up: 你好 nǐ hǎo Slide three: Warm up 老师们可以根据自己的需要加入复习的内容。 Teachers can ask relevant questions to start this lesson. How to say hello in Mandarin? 3
New words
good; fine
很 hěn very very
吗 ma ma ? (interrogative word)
我 wǒ I; me I; me
你 nǐ you you
您 nín you(with respect) you (respectful form of 你)
What’re the characters on board? 好 很 吗 你 您 我
What are the following words in Mandarin? good; fine very I; me you you(with respect)
好 hǎo good; fine 很 hěn very 吗 ma (interrogative word) 我 wǒ I; me 你 nǐ you 您 nín you (respectful form of 你)
Please match the vocabulary with the English meaning 好 很 吗 你 您 我 very good; fine you I; me you (respectful form of 你) Interrogative word
you(respectful form of 你) Let’s play Slap the Board good, fine very hello Game---Slap the Board Two students stand in front of the board. The teacher or another student speak out the word, the one who slaps the correct word first wins. you(respectful form of 你) I,me you 16
好 您 我 very hello you Slap the Board Let’s play Game---Slap the Board Two students stand in front of the board. The teacher or another student speak out the word, the one who slaps the correct word first wins. 我 you 17
你 好 我 您 很 你好 你好 您好 吗 Slap the Board Let’s play Game---Slap the Board Two students stand in front of the board. The teacher or another student speak out the word, the one who slaps the correct word first wins. 你好 您好 吗 18
Let’s try to write some Chinese characters
How many strokes are there in each character? you 你 wǒ I; me 我 好 Good; fine hǎo How many strokes are there in each character? Do you know? Stroke number 7 7 6 27
sì 4 四 wǔ 5 五 六 6 liù qī 7 七 Stroke number 5 4 4 2 28
Game time: Slap the Board 你 我 五 四 Game---Slap the Board Two students stand in front of the board. The teacher or another student speak out the word, the one who slaps the correct word first wins. 29 29
Game time: Slap the Board 六 好 七 五 Game---Slap the Board Two students stand in front of the board. The teacher or another student speak out the word, the one who slaps the correct word first wins. 30 30
Sentence pattern
Basic sentence pattern Subject +…+ adjective. 你 好! 我 好。 Notes:A word like 很 is normally needed in this kind of sentence, but different from English, 是 (to be) is not used here. E.g. 我是很好。 (X) 我是好。 (X) 很
Which sentence is right? 我很好。 我是好。 你很好。 你是很好。 你好!
How to make a interrogative sentence with 吗? 你好 吗? 你是英国人吗? 英国: Britain 英国人: British
我 吗 您 很 Can you make a sentence with these characters? 好 你
Activity: let’s make a greeting card in Mandarin TOM: 你好! Activity: let’s make a greeting card in Mandarin Here is my card. How about yours?
What have I learnt today? Greetings 句型: 你好。 你好吗? 我很好。 生词: 你, 好, 您, 我, 吗, 很 汉字: 你, 我, 好, 四, 五, 六, 七