Integration (API) testing with SoapUI Evaldas Likus
What is integration and API testing? Integration testing - verifies that different parts of an application work correctly together. API testing – involves testing application programming interfaces (APIs) directly and as part of integration testing to determine if they meet expectations for functionality, reliability, performance, and security. APIs do not have graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and testing is performed at the message layer. Commonly includes testing REST APIs or SOAP web services with JSON or XML message payloads being sent over HTTP. APIs serve as the primary interface to application logic and are critical for automated tests.
3-tier architecture (typical for WEB applications)
What are the challenges? Usually includes only the white-box testing approach therefore deep understanding about the internals parts of the application is required. Most testers are used to working with business requirements and use cases, and neither of them provide enough details about the internal parts of the application. In many cases business analysts are not even aware that software can be tested at this level and the level of granularity everything has to be broken down. Project managers do not provide sufficient time for proper API development. Usually developers are left alone to test their code as the entry threshold for the testers that are new to the field is high.
What are the advantages? Usually exposes broader functionality than GUI therefore more test cases can be performed. APIs tests are easier to maintain compared with the GUI tests. The existing of a single interface simplifies security and compliance testing. If business rules are enforced at the API tier, then better user- experience tests can be performed once the user interface is released. Exposing functionality through API simplifies future application expansion.
What is SoapUI? The world's most widely-used open source API testing tool for SOAP and REST APIs. Used by 9 Million API Developers and Testers. There are open-source and professional versions.
What features does SoapUI have? Functional Testing – drag and drop creation of complex test scenarios, test debugging. Service Simulation – automatically generates mock services from WSDL. Security testing – built in security tests for most common vulnerabilities. Load Testing – easy and quick advanced load tests creation. Technology Support – REST and SOAP support. Automation – Maven, Hudson, Bamboo support. Analytics – creates reports for functional and load tests. Recording – monitors data between client and server. Ecosystem – works with IntelliJIDEA, NetBeans, Eclipse.
SoapUI vs Selenium
Open-source vs Professional DEMO
References makes-api-testing-special-.html testing