US Government Workers and Contractors Adhoc Committee Tom Coughlin, IEEE-USA President Elect IEEE USA Board Meeting 22 June 2018
Proposed Mission Statement Proposed Name IEEE-USA U.S. Government Communities of Interest (USGCoI) Adhoc Committee Proposed Mission Statement The USGCoI Group explores current and developing trends in United States government technology. The Group seeks to serve and benefit the members, the profession and the public and create a community of shared interests. Proposed Vision Statement To serve the community of IEEE-USA technologists working within a common technical area of interest for the purpose of sharing wisdom, knowledge, information and furthering the IEEE Mission and Vision.
Purpose To provide U.S. Government IEEE technical members a secure, safe environment to communicate, present, educate, network, and share best practices and information among community of interest members.
Goals Create United States Government Communities of Interest (USGCoI) Provide a secure, trusted, area for unclassified discussions for USGCoI Facilitate the sharing and communication between U.S. Government (USG), Industry, and IEEE-USA Pave the way and act as a bridge between IEEE-USA and the USG Leverage IEEE and IEEE-USA resources to better partner with USG.
USGCoI Proposed Members Any member or non-member of IEEE is eligible. However, there will be vetting to gain entrance to any subgroup discussion (e.g., conferences track). This to ensure that, when discussion warrants that: IEEE Ad Hoc group Members: - Have U.S.G. clearances. - Are In the armed forces - Work at National Laboratories - Work in U.S. aerospace & Defense industries. - U.S.G. sponsored vetted contractors - U.S.G. approved University, Research and Development (R&D) ** This could be facilitated through partnering with existing entities
Motion I move that we form an Adhoc committee to explore ideas and options to server government workers and contractors who work with government installations that would function until the end of 2018 No funding is planned to support this activity. Interaction and discussion will be via teleconference We need to establish a staff liaison to assist the committee on IEEE practices and structure We would expect a report back from this Adhoc committee at our November board meeting At that time we will decide whether to continue the committee and/or if any action is ready to be taken