VIP Lunch Period Steven Keen and Mike Harvey The Jersey Shore Area High School Entire video here:
The way lunch used to be… We had a pretty typical set up: 4 periods of our 9 period day were lunch periods. Home room was in the morning for 45 minutes. All clubs and remediation were during home room. The Jersey Shore Area High School
That all changed this year with VIP… What does VIP stand for? Value Everyone and Everything Individual Responsibility Positive Attitude Our VIP program includes several different elements. The Jersey Shore Area High School
VIP Pass The Jersey Shore Area High School VIP Pass system Each teacher gives out one pass per week. This pass will get the student several privileges throughout the school. Examples: ½ off coffee, free entrance into sporting events and 5 minute early dismissal from 4th and 9th period. If they return the pass at the end of the week, they are entered into a drawing to win prizes. Teachers may give classroom specific privileges as well. The Jersey Shore Area High School
The VIP Luncheon The Jersey Shore Area High School Once every nine weeks, each teacher chooses a student to attend a VIP Luncheon. This VIP Luncheon is prepared by the culinary arts classes. Teachers are also randomly chosen to attend as well. The Jersey Shore Area High School
The VIP Lunch Period The Jersey Shore Area High School The VIP team traveled to a high school in Maryland to see this concept in action. We set up a 66 minute period of time. It is divided into two halves: Lunch and Option Depending on the day, students may eat at different times during the VIP lunch. Teachers may also have different responsibilities based on the day of the week. The Jersey Shore Area High School
Teacher Duties during VIP Lunch detention Clubs Remediation Meetings (9th grade team meetings, VIP Team meetings, SAP meetings) Hall monitoring The Jersey Shore Area High School
VIP Lunch Schedule The Jersey Shore Area High School
Sample teacher schedule Our goal is to increase teacher availability First Half Second Half Monday Lunch Chess Club Tuesday Available for students Wednesday Lunch or Remediation Hall Lunch Detention or Lunch Thursday VIP Team Meeting Friday 9th Grade Team Meeting The Jersey Shore Area High School
How can students use VIP lunch? Eat lunch Go see teachers for help Work on homework and study Attend a club Go to required remediation Attend lunch detention Hang out with friends The Jersey Shore Area High School
Building Logistics The Jersey Shore Area High School Additional Tables Grab and Go Stations Garbage Cans Courtyard Clean Floors Clean Desks The Jersey Shore Area High School
Lunch Detention The Jersey Shore Area High School Students may be required to attend for disciplinary reasons. It runs the entire VIP lunch period. Students are escorted to get their lunches during the second half of VIP. They must be working on something. There is no talking. The Jersey Shore Area High School
Remediation The Jersey Shore Area High School Students seek out help if needed and make up missed work. If students are failing, they can be assigned to see their teachers during certain VIP periods. This proved to be difficult to implement and very inefficient. As of May 1st, If students are failing multiple classes, they are required to attend a large-group remediation (study hall) for at least one week or until they are passing. If students have a pass to go to a teacher, they may do so. The Jersey Shore Area High School
Remediation Schedule The Jersey Shore Area High School
Clubs The Jersey Shore Area High School Courtyard Club schedules are set up at the beginning of the year. Attendance was originally very good, but has drastically decreased with time. Courtyard The Jersey Shore Area High School
Club Schedule The Jersey Shore Area High School
Breakfast Stations The Jersey Shore Area High School We opened up breakfast stations in the morning. They have been very successful. The Jersey Shore Area High School
Data Results – VIP Program Teacher Surveys Attendance Data 65 total respondents Compared to last year, how many students are cutting your classes? 48% said less, 46% said the same Is the VIP lunch hour an effective scheduling tool that allows students to get help and make-up their work? 8% said very effective and 48% said Effective Excused Tardiness 2012-2013 = 387 2013-2014 = 200 Unexcused Tardiness 2012-2013 = 1485 2013-2014 = 493 * 2013-2014 - Less than 10% daily absentee Rate There is not enough data to make any correlations. The Jersey Shore Area High School