D10 – Bellringer List some different issues that we might discuss debate in class (or others are currently debating), which would be kairotic right now: Gun Control Marijuana Political Reform Public Transit City Codes and Housing FYI: The next debate issue that we will be discussing is re: medical marijuana
Reading & Discussion Grab a textbook, and turn to Ch. 7, pp 119- 123: “…rhetorical invention is very much rooted in _________.” What are the Latin roots to the word “invention”? What are the 5 canons / categories of rhetoric? Explain each one: Describe what approach Quintilian suggested for helping students be better able to create arguments. What method did Cicero and Aristotle suggest for helping prep students to be better at creating persuasive arguments?
Logical Fallacy of the Day Argument by Gibberish / Jargon Making / defending an argument by using complicated, confusing words, etc., and acting like you know what you’re talking about. This may lead others to believe they are foolish, and thus ought to trust you (fallacious!)
Research Time Get to work researching the next topic (remember to record citations via APA style) Resolved: The United States federal government should downgrade marijuana (& its constituent substances CBD / cannabidoil & THC / Tetrahydrocannabinol) from the list of schedule I drugs in order to allow for legal medical study of the potential benefits the plant and its active ingredients may offer.