European Safety Survey (SASU) item 7 of the Agenda 9-10 June 2011
Most important events since the last WG meeting 3 meetings of the SASU TF (2 in 2010 and 1 in 2011 on technical aspects of the survey) Directors on Social Statistics (September 2010) green light for proposing the Regulation to the ESSC, only one round of the survey), Possible repetitions of the survey might however form part of the further development of the integrated system of social statistics. DG HOME Policy Needs for Data on Crime and Criminal Justice (December 2010) request to consider oversampling of the capital cities, not supported by the TF ) ESSC (February 2011) no delegated act (list of variables in the EP and Council Regulation), sunset clause, shortening the timetable for the data transmission and dissemination 9-10 June 2011 2 2
Main changes The list of variables to be collected forms an annex to the Regulation Sample size: 8,000 individuals (population aged 16+ higher than 10 million) 7,000 individuals (between 5 and 10 million) 6,000 individuals (between 1.5 and 5 million) 5,000 individuals (between 0.5 and 1.5 million) 3,000 individuals (lower than 0.5 million) The data collection period was extended to the whole of 2013 without specification of a semester so far: 1st semester (7 MS; 43% of population), 2nd semester (18 MS; 40%), 2 (FI and DE, not decided yet); The deadlines for data delivery and dissemination were shortened to 31 July 2014 and 31 December 2014 respectively. The sunset clause was added so that the Regulation would cease to apply on 30 June 2015. 9-10 June 2011 3 3
Next steps The further steps of legal nature: Adoption by the Commission (8 June) European Council and Parliament discussion and approval. Procedures could last around 12-18 months (meeting with the Polish presidency 14 June). The first discussion in the Council in September 2011 the latest. In parallel implementing regulation covering the data coding scheme, quality report modalities and content, and practical arrangements for exchanging micro-data, drafted by Eurostat with the cooperation of the SASU TF. implementing regulation can be adopted (with the comitology procedure) only after approval of the EP and Council Regulation. 9-10 June 2011 4 4
Next steps The further steps of technical nature: Preparation of the manual for survey implementation, and data validation tool. TF on SASU closely involved in the work and the next meeting is planned for 27-28 October 2011. 9-10 June 2011 5 5