FASFC - Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain AFSCA - Agence Fédérale pour la sécurité de la Chaîne Alimentaire FAVV - Federaal Agentschap voor de Veiligheid van de Voedselketen TRACES and EU establishment listing - Overview of our current IT solution 28/03/2014
Global Architecture BO FASFC / AFSCA / FAVV Masterdata BOOD TRACES FOOD Establishment (EC) No 852/2004 Mapping activity FASFC – activity EU Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises part of SPF Economie, P.M.E., Classes moyennes et Energie Tree of the FASFC activities DG SANCO DB of the operators Masterdata BOOD National website ref syncro Unique number, Name, Address, Language, NACEBEL activity code, Juridical status BO (create monthly a list) TRACES business creation Register a (Nbr , type,status) Operators Sanitel Today the synchronisation between the KBO and BOOD (restricted to the operators for which our agency is interested) occurs once a day. The unique number received from the KBO is the “external” unique key in BOOD. The Business Object which generate the list cross the data and used a set of criteria (as Approvals still in order). The animal transportations are not in BOOD. They are only inside Sanitel. For them the national unique number will be the Operator number from Sanitel (different format). Approvals Name Belgian Identification and registration system for farm & animals (included animal transportations -VET chapter). !!! Some data are provisioned by Regional agencies Address FASFC Activities Link operators Come after visit(s) of our Control department
Activity mapping (examples) Unique FAVV activity code AGREMENT CATEGORIE ESPECE REMARQUE SECTION FAVV_ACTI_CODE FAVV_PROD_CODE FAVV_PLA_CODE FAVV_PAP_CODE 1.1.2 CP R III AC24 PR151 PL5 853 1.1.1 SH AC2 PL1 760 fG PR73 708 fG, wA, wL, wU, wG IV PR72 664 1.1.4 GHE AC59 PR76 PL37 957 1.1.5 MP V AC40 PR125 PL43 620 MSM PR179 946 1.2.1 PP mp VI PR135 945 1.2.6 mp, bl PR153 674 1.2.7 mp, pap PR68 855 2.a.1 DC VII AC51 PR101 PL22 622 2.a.3 PC AC79 PL90 714 2.a.2 AC71 PL15 623 3.3 AH VIII AC38 PR134 PL59 948 3.4 FFPP PR148 947 3.1 FV AC44 PR132 PL62 722 3.5 PR149 854 3.2 ZV AC22 PL8 621 For the big majority of the categories related to the Food establishment, our agency has well one (some times more) activity code.
The current list (PDF file) http://www.favv.be/bo-documents/inter_inricht_levensmid_F.PDF
Establishments in TRACES (1/2)
Establishments in TRACES (2/2) Initial data load in 2005 Establishments are created(/updated) manually Establishments are not attached to a ‘Section - Category’ of activities Presence of duplicates (e.g. when created by another authority in ‘pre-valid’) No very formal process regarding the updates
Data update cases to cover New establishment (also new in national DB) Existing (in national DB) establishment with a first TRACES activity Additional TRACES activity for an Ǝ establishment Changes non related to activities: Name Address No more TRACES activities (e.g.: business stopped) Approvals removed etc Bankrupcy case
Questions and remarks
Using XTB - IT question 1 Should the ‘Species’ information be in the ‘Remarks’? XTB offers a ‘AddLMSRemark’ but not a ‘AddLMSSpecies’. Where to put the ‘Species’ info? Idem for the ‘Associated activity’
Using XTB - IT question 2 General_number + Country_code as a Unique key? As XTB is defined, the only way to specify one establishment is using his unique ‘TRACES Id’. This requires that for any « update » request (e.g. ‘AddLMSCategory’) this ‘TRACES Id’ is provided. Either we need to store it in our national DB (bring complexity) Either before an update we send first a ‘SearchBusiness’ to retrieve it (not efficient) Couldn’t we have an additional unique key which would be the combination ‘General number’ (normally a national unique number) plus the ‘Country code’ and use possibly those two parameters instead of the ‘TRACES Id’? Remark: A uniqueness check here would also prevent the presence of duplicate entries.
Using XTB - IT question 3 Duplicate cleaning and existing references Before removing duplicate entries of the same establishment we need to check the one we want to delete is not referenced by another object (User or Transportation). There is a way to retrieve the ‘TRACES Id’ for those object (through an Excel sheet we can have on demand for the Users). But how can we update the reference in those objects?
Using XTB - IT question 4 Will the establishment creation by other authorities be blocked by country? + by chapter/section? Let’s consider, Belgium has updated the existing data for the Food (cleaning + correct activity reference to the right ‘section + category’) and have the automatic update in place, can we prevent from that point other authorities to create Belgian food establishments or do we have to wait that all the MS are ready? Will it be possible to activate the “blocking/closing” list mechanism “à la carte” (e.g. being ready for a section but not the whole chapter)?
Using XTB - IT question 5 Could TRACES handled different local authority split for different chapters/sections? Today inside TRACES for Belgium, they are a set of local authorities defined (split done based on postal codes) which represent LVU (Provincial Units for our agency). Once the LMS lists of establishments will be enlarged (especially when it will be related to the chapter “Animal By Products”), our agency won’t be responsible anymore of all the sections of this chapter. Does/Will TRACES support a different local authority split per chapter/section? Long-term