Absolute Monarchs
Absolute Monarch Ruler has ultimate governing authority Power is hereditary & marital Enlightened absolutism a system in which rulers tried to govern by Enlightenment principles while maintaining their full royal powers
Map of Absolute Monarchs
Frederick the Great Prussian King Well educated Background Enlightenment Prussian King Well educated Son of Frederick William Great Prussian military leader Well versed in Enlightenment ideas Invited Voltaire to live at court for 7 years Abolished use of torture (except in murder & treason cases) Religious tolerance Freedom of press and speech Established trials by impartial judges
Maria Theresa Archduchess of Austria Holy Roman Empress Background Enlightenment Archduchess of Austria Holy Roman Empress Queen of Hungary & Bohemia Only female ruler in 650 years of Hapsburg dynasty Bore 16 children Fought Frederick II of Prussia for control of Hungary and Silesia Reorganized the government Enlightened Despot Eased tax burden on her people Gave more rights to her subjects
Catherine the Great Successor to Peter the Great of Russia Background Enlightenment Successor to Peter the Great of Russia Favored nobility…led to worse conditions for peasants Eventually began rebellion Intelligent & familiar with enlightenment philosophy Invited Diderot to court Proposed political and financial reform Catherine did not agree with some ideas
Peter the Great Tsar of Russia Self titled “the Great” Background Enlightenment Tsar of Russia Self titled “the Great” Placed church under power of state Opened School of Navigation & Math School of Medicine School of Engineering School of Science Newspaper produced for citizens Applied western mercantilism to strengthen economy
Philip II Sought to expand Spanish influence – ruled Spain when the empire was at its height. Included the Spanish New World Devout: tried to strengthen Catholic church Centralized royal power Married Mary I of England – returned England to Catholicism Invaded England with Spanish Armada against Elizabeth I – He lost most of the Armada.
Louis XIV Sun King Reigned for 72 years