Behaviour Support Service Key Stage 2/3/4 (Tudor Grove- Link School) Glenn Robson ( Director of School Services and Training 0191 5623209 07920254541 (section in website)
Background Behaviour Support Service is a SLA based service- Schools have option to buy on an academic year basis Based at Pallion Key Stage 4 Link School site Service is now line managed by the Link School
Current Team Glenn Robson –Director of School Services and Training Lisa Watson- Behaviour Support Advisor Elizabeth Mather, Abbey Lancaster, Jaime Curry, Jonathan Stronach, Philip Hunt (x5 Behaviour Support Officers)
Referral System Telephone call to discuss case Direct referral form to access –consultation or direct work including social care cases Parental consent/carer essential All children should be on SEN register at point of referral or immediately following referral
Criteria for referral Nominate a lead behaviour/referral person What may constitute a referral for Behaviour Support Service: Early intervention – should not be at point of risk of permanent exclusion Maybe at risk of exclusion or had a recent exclusion Sudden risk of exclusion due to poor behaviour/family circumstance
Criteria for referral Increased behaviour overall (more than two/three subject areas) Normal School systems are not working and deemed external advice would be beneficial. (The child requires additional intervention beyond the general norm/population of the school
Consultation Individual schools will have access to consultation hours. Possible appropriate consultation referrals: Assess needs of a pupil – build a support plan –and support review Second opinion on a pupil Invites to meetings/reviews of pupils eg Early Help CIN SEN EHCP
Consultation (cont) Advice around SEN support plans Reviewing an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan) Observations/Assessments/Advice – direct work not to follow but can be considered Policy development Query if child will engage
Direct Work What will a full referral receive? (up to 12 weeks) An assessment of need with all parties – school, parent and pupil- A BSS Support Plan that is child centred and link to SEN support plan- Direct work with an allocated link worker around the issues identified in the assessment Attendance where appropriate at any relevant meeting while involved e.g. Early Help, CIN, LAC, SEN, EHCP
Direct Work (cont) A full report with strategies and work undertaken to support the child and family concerned and evaluation of family plan Liaison with relevant agencies –Extensive knowledge of current agencies and access routes/criteria
Ineffective referrals Under 75% attendance During/after managed moves - last resort or just before a managed move (week or so before) Direct single referral when there are home/environmental issues that require a co-ordinated approach After several exclusions over long period of time with no joined up approach to support
Ineffective referrals (cont) Alternative providers involved – knowing where our role fits- child accessing Alternative Education At the time of intervention the pupil is on twilight/reduced timetable-disengaged with process. If in doubt give us a call!!!
Types of work undertaken Friends for Life – emotional development/anxiety base Draw and Talk – visual-therapeutic resource Programmes designed individual need: Anger, peer relationships, anxiety, choices and consequences etc. Putting together a support plan built around the individuals needs
Training Offer: Team teach De-escalation SEN COP –what to do and what to know Behaviour Support Plans - NQT training – Behaviour Lunchtime training for support staff
Beyond School Intervention Links with SEN –requests for reports for EHCP Work closely with SEN School Improvement Team Provide evidence/advice where appropriate for CPP placements- Link School – it is desirable the pupil has had pre-intervention for any Link School application