Introduction to Working Groups GHS Stocktaking and Training Workshop For Central and Eastern Europe 17 – 19 July 2012 Chisinau, Moldova
Working Group Timeplan Wednesday 13.30 Theme 1: Technical aspects Presentation Working groups Coffee Break Thursday 09.00 Theme 3: Implementation process issues Wednesday 15.00 Theme 2: Legal aspects Adjournment Day 2 Thursday 10.45 Theme 4: Regional Communication and Information Sharing 2
Instructions for Working Groups The Working Groups are requested to reflect on national experiences with GHS implementation across the key sectors from the perspective of governments, industry, and public interest and labour organisations. For each of 4 themes there is a 1-page “thought starter” with suggested guidance questions intended to stimulate discussion All groups will use English as the language for discussions, with one group for Russian speaking participants (interpretation is not available during the working groups)
Instructions for Working Groups As the first order of business, the working groups should select a Chair and a Rapporteur The Chair will be responsible for guiding the discussions and ensuring a timely outcome, while the Rapporteur will be responsible for recording working group discussions in a chart to be provided. For practical reasons, we recommend that the Chair/Rapporteur designated within each group for the first theme remain the same for the 3 following themes The Chair/Rapporteurs of each of the groups will meet together afterwards (e.g. in the evening of day 2 and lunch break of day 3) to consolidate the outcomes of the working groups in to a single PowerPoint presentation on each theme These four presentations of the consolidated working groups’ output will be presented on Thursday afternoon during the concluding session