Class Biz! Class Info.... Year 5/6 Welcome.... What's Going On....


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Presentation transcript:

Class Biz! Class Info.... Year 5/6 Welcome.... What's Going On.... Reading – weekly guided reading with the teacher. Children can change their individual books whenever necessary. Wednesdays : Music Friday: Outdoor PE. School Starts at 8:50 Year 5/6 Welcome.... Welcome back after a lovely summer! ( although the weather wasn’t great!!)I am excited about the term ahead. We have already made a start on planning our learning for the term. It sounds exciting! It has been so lovely in class with such smiley faces! Any questions – please come and ask. Mrs Tomkins What's Going On.... Other Biz.... Sept 8th : Peer mediation training Sept 14 th School/Eco Council Elections Oct 6th - Storm workshop and show in Swansea Oct 10th - Visit to Swansea WW 2 Museum Nov 6th - Remeberance Week Fun. Other Dates will appear on the newsletter. After School Clubs WB 11hth Sept - Be sure to return the forms on time. Water Bottles on sale in the office soon. They need to be taken home regularly for cleaning. Fruit : 30 p a day from Fruit Tuck shop. We are looking for items for our role play area…Anything related to WW2 would be gratefully recievd . If any relatives have WW2 experiences – we would love to hear from them.

My Learning in the Core Subjects.... English:’ We will be learning to write persuasive texts in the style of a formal letter .We will be developing our ‘Recount writing skills linked with our history topic, in the form of an biography. Creative writing will be including poetry styles such as Haiku and Cinquain ,. We will be looking at the story of Anne Frank, and writing our own based on Goodnight Mr Tom. Maths: Place value up to a million, multiplication and division of 3 digit by 2 digit, mental strategies of multiplication and division, fractions including changing mixed numbers, Shape , space and measures to include classifying triangles and describing properties of solid shapes. Simple probability, Money which includes terms profit and loss. Science:. This term its all about forces! We will understand the different types of forces around us – gravity, air resistance, balanced and unbalanced forces. Linked to our history eg) bomb dropping, planes etc We will investigate these and find out what happens when we change things in our investigation. We will be developing our skills of drawing conclusions from our work – Become real scientists! Welsh : We will be reading shared texts and learning how to write about ourselves and also a famous person form WW 2. We will be writing a letter to a character and a short conversation between character in welsh. We will be recording conversations and a blog about ourselves. Our Theme.... Blitz,Bombs and other bits! My Learning in otherSubjects.... Our topic is History based this term – So we are learning about the differences during WW2 and today. We will look at the difference's in peoples lives, also famous people during these times and the why they were important. We will look at the impact WW2 had on the local area and compare to other places. In ICT we will be using digital media(Ipads/video) to help with our work, also we will look at craft designers and learn how they produce their work. We will be designing and making our own historical artefacts – eg) helmets, vehicles. We will look and the rules in different religions and celebrations such as harvest and Christmas. We will be composing our own music linked to our history and using sounds and images from WW2. We are aiming to produce a non-fiction book about WW2 for other children to use – we will be very busy.. Things I can do at home... Websites to help me... . Home reading of my individual book. Read a newspaper or magazine – everything will help! Mental maths – Multiplication tables. Time vocabulary. Remember to use Sumdog, TT Rockstars and HWB at home. Also try some of the websites at home.