2015-16 Consolidated district performance report (CDPR) ESEA CDPR Title ID: Academic Outcomes 15 – 16 ESEA CDPR Title ID: Programs & Facilities 15 – 16 August 3, 2016
Agenda Welcome Data Collections Open/Close Support Materials Data Elements Explanation Data Crossover Academic Outcomes Programs and Facilities Changes for 2015 – 16 from last year
Data Collection Window Opens on August 11, 2016 Closes on September 23, 2016
Support Materials Consolidated District Performance Report: Data Collection User Guide (March 24, 2016) Today’s PowerPoint
Data crossover
Two Data Collections But, you can assist us! ESEA CDPR Title ID: Academic Outcomes 15 – 16 ESEA CDPR Title ID: Programs and Facilities 15 – 16 Validations are internal to the individual data collection We do not have validations across data collections at this point. But, they will show up as errors in ODE’s report to the US Department of Education. But, you can assist us!
Data Crossovers Please select the same type of program for both collections! The number of students who took a Pre- and Post test listed in the Academic Outcomes data collection cannot exceed the number of long-term students listed in the Programs and Facilities data collection.
Academic Outcomes
Steps to Accessing The Data Collection Login to the ODE District webpage at https://district.ode.state.or.us/home/ Under the Application List choose Consolidated Collections Under Institution Collections, choose ESEA CDPR Title ID: Academic Outcomes 15-16 (Submission/Maintenance) Look for the Green + Insert Record and click it. You will see the following screen:
This is the first page you land on
Program Definitions At-Risk Program Programs operated in local schools that target students who: are at risk of academic failure, have a drug or alcohol problem, are pregnant, or parenting, have been in contact with the juvenile justice system, are at least 1 year behind the expected age/grade level, have limited English proficiency, are gang members, have dropped out of school in the past, or have a high absenteeism rate.
Program Definitions (continued) Neglected Program Public or private residential facilities, other than foster homes, that are operated primarily for the care of children or youth who have been committed to or voluntarily placed in the facility under applicable State law due to: abandonment, neglect, or death of their parents or guardians
Program Definitions (continued) Juvenile Detention Program Locally operated short-term private or public facilities that provide care to children who require secure custody pending court adjudication, court disposition or execution of a court order, or care to children after commitment. Locally Operated Correctional Facility (Juvenile Correctional Program) A facility in which persons are confined as a result of a conviction for a criminal offense. It can also include a local public or private institution, community day program or school not operated by the State.
Program Definitions (continued) Other Program Locally operated programs that do not fit the definition of At-Risk Program Neglected Program Juvenile Detention Program Locally Operated Correctional Facility (Juvenile Corrections) Program
Making a choice on the program Determine which of the five types of facilities the district is going to report data on. At-Risk, Neglected, Juvenile Detention, Juvenile Corrections, or Other Program. In some cases, a district will be operating two or more different types of programs. The district will need to ensure that the data for each of the types of programs is accurately entered. You will need to click YES or NO for each program.
Items 1 – 16: Student Counts In the Program Within 90 Days of Exiting the Program Earned high school credits Enrolled in a GED program Enrolled in the local district Earned a GED Earned a high school diploma Accepted/enrolled in post-secondary Enrolled in job training Obtained employment Earned high school credits Enrolled in a GED program Enrolled in the local district Earned a GED Earned a high school diploma Accepted/enrolled in post-secondary Enrolled in job training Obtained employment
But we can’t track 90 days after exit Please enter zeros for each “90-day” data element. Also on Item # 31, select NO
Items 17 – 23 Reading Performance Item 17 asks how many students received a PRE- and POST Test in Reading. What does that mean? Of the long-term students listed in the Programs and Facilities data collection, how many students completed both a pre- and post-test? Items 18 – 23 is a subset of this count. The total of Items 18 – 23 cannot exceed the number entered in Item 17 IF YOU HAVE NO LONG-TERM STUDENTS LISTED IN PROGRAMS AND FACILITIES, YOU WILL ENTER “0”
Items 24 – 30 Math Performance Item 24 asks how many students received a PRE- and POST Test in Math. What does that mean? Of the long-term students listed in the Programs and Facilities data collection, how many students completed both a pre- and post-test? Items 25 – 30 is a subset of this count. The total of Items 25 – 30 cannot exceed the number entered in Item 24 IF YOU HAVE NO LONG-TERM STUDENTS LISTED IN PROGRAMS AND FACILITIES, YOU WILL ENTER “0”
Programs & Facilities
Items 1: Title ID Program Count How many programs received Title ID funds not students
Item 2: Length of Stay Days What is the average length of stay or number of days in the facility or program? The average length of stay days cannot exceed 365 How do I calculate the average length of stay days? Divide the combined total of each student’s length of stays by the number of students. The result is the average length of stay.
Item 3: Unduplicated Student Count How many students were served whether or not they were a long term student.
Item 4: Long Term Student Count This is the count of students who spent 90 or more consecutive days in the facility. Remember in the Academic Outcomes Collection, on Math and Reading progress, you will only count LONG-TERM students.
Items 5 – 11 Race/Ethnicity Reporting Race and Ethnicity data for CDPR States must report the data in the following seven aggregated racial ethnic categories: Hispanic/Latino of any race (Note: Respondents who identify as Hispanic/Latino ethnicity will be reported as “Hispanic/Latino,” regardless of the race they identify.) For individuals who are non-Hispanic/Latino: American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African-American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Two or more races (Note: The “two or more races” category is used for only non-Hispanic/Latinos who identify multiple races.)
Items 12 – 30 Gender and Age Counts Items 12 – 13 are a count of males and females within the facility or program. Items 14 – 30 are a count of students by age within the facility or program. DATA CHECK The following sets of data totals must equal each other: Race/Ethnicity Gender Age Groups
Items 31 & 32: SpEd & LEP These items count the number of Students With Disabilities and the number of Limited English Proficient Students who were served in Title ID facility or program
Contact Information For Data Questions Russ Sweet, Education Specialist (503) 947-5638 russ.sweet@state.or.us Emily Swope, Administrative Support (503) 947-5642 emily.swope@state.or.us For problems with the web-based tool ODE Helpdesk (503) 947-5715 ode.helpdesk@state.or.us