Sakharov Prize 2005
Damas de Blanco Misses in white It is a movement born in Cuba in the spring of 2003, formed by women, activists for human rights.
Organized by the Interests Section of the United States to Cuba, diplomatic delegation coordinated by James Carson. This is a movement of opposition to the Cuban regime, which brings together the wives and relatives of political prisoners locked up in prisons of the island.
Every Sunday, after the celebration of the Mass in the Church of Santa Rita in La Habana, the movement organizes a peaceful march in which the Damas, completely dressed in white, show fotos of their detained relatives.
In 2005 the movement was decorated with with the Sackharov Prize for Freedom of Conscience that the EU parliament awards annually to organizations that are fighting to defend human rights.
In 2006 the organization Human Rights First awarded the Damas with the Prize for Human Rights for their courage and determination.
REPORTERS SANS FRONTIÈRES Reporters sans frontières is an international organization which has as its goal the defense of the press freedom. It was founded in 1985 by the French journalist Robert Ménard.
It defends the press freedom throughout the world, prescinding from political ideas expressed by journalists. The freedom of press and expression is an inalienable right of every people.
The organization is composed of different national sections: Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland. Thousands of journalists are members of RSF in the different countries. RSF has also represented the UN and the EU.
“If the Olympic flame is sacred, human rights are even more”, RSF said in a communication in defense of Tibet during the Pekin Olympics.
Created by Giulia Conforto Leonardi Sofia