Miss Pink Mrs Cooke and Miss Finn Phonics Screen Check 2018 Miss Pink Mrs Cooke and Miss Finn
Phonics Screening Check Week – 11th June Statutory Assessment for all Y1 pupils (children retake in Y2 if they don’t reach the expected level) Comprises of 40 words (20 real and 20 nonsense) Expectation is that children should achieve 32/40 to reach expected level Check takes about 10 minutes per child Take place with Mrs Cooke or Miss Finn
Support has already been put in place to assist all our pupils to achieve their best outcomes. We will report your child’s score in the end of year report.
Our Results and National Results School Local Authority National 2015 83% 85% 81% 2016 2017 93% 82% 77%
Phonics Video Clips Articulation of phonemes Phonics training video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqhXUW_v-1s Phonics Games & Activities http://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/freeIndex.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPJ_ZEBh1Bk Ideas to support reading and phonics http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/Reading/
PHONICS SCREENING CHECK - THINGS THAT WILL HELP YOUR CHILD READ Let your child see you read and read to them Tell your child about interesting things that you have read in newspapers, magazines and books. Visit the local library. Visit bookshops. Sit with your child every night and engage with them in their reading. Please make comments in their reading record book to assist the teachers. Discuss with them about what they have read in the book. Ask them to retell the story. Talk about interesting words and identify words or interesting phrases that they might use in their writing. Occasionally ask them to write the sequence of the story and identify characters.