Developments in CQC Regulation Mei-Ling Huang, Royds Withy King Health & social care team
Overview lessons from the State of Care report changes in inspections problem areas in inspections enforcement prosecutions unregistered carers
Lessons from the State of Care don’t become complacent if you are rated as requiring improvement, examine the evidence if you are found to require improvement, prepare yourself for closer scrutiny
Changes in inspections new guidance/handbook Provider Information Collection (PIC) new KLOE’s and prompts
What to look out for in inspections administration of medication risk assessments staffing audits activities safeguarding dignity and respect hydration and nutrition
Enforcement urgent requests for information use of the urgent procedure to impose conditions on registration (embargos) failure to take account of the bigger picture revised use of Fit and Proper Person test for directors
Prosecutions five prosecutions since 2015 eight more in the pipeline LA’s also prompting criminal prosecutions via safeguarding
Unregistered carers “I don't have any experience in health - can I still host? You do not need any care experience to become a host. CareRooms will provide all the necessary training you need in order to become a host, the role starts as simple as providing a cup of tea and some company.” -