Sexual Harassment Training/Child Abuse and Neglect Review/Sexting Frenship ISD
What is Sexual Harassment? Any of the following if “Unwelcomed”: Sexual advances Requests for sexual favors Other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature According to: Title VII (In Workplace) – Civil Rights Act of 1962 Title IX of Federal Education Amendments of Civil Right Act of 1964
The key word is “UNWELCOMED” Conduct which may be offensive to one person may not be to another. The “victim” has an obligation to tell the actor, their supervisor, or the district’s Title IX Coordinator - that he or she finds the conduct offensive. If the behavior continues beyond that point, then it is sexual harassment. We cannot expect people to read our minds.
In the EYE of the beholder . . . While there are similarities between HARASSMENT and FLIRTING, there is one BIG difference: How the receiving person FEELS as a result of the sending person’s behavior (Harassment is truly in the eyes of the beholder.) NOTE: The law is concerned with the IMPACT of the behavior, not the INTENT.
Hostile Environment Harassment Behavior resulting in an environment that causes one fear, anxiety, shame, or embarrassment. It affects one’s ability to be at work, school, etc.
Hostile Environment Harassment Behaviors, displays, or language: That are unwelcomed That are pervasive (enveloping and persistent) Are related to gender Interfere with a person’s work performance
General Guidelines: Don’t say anything that you would not want printed in the newspaper or broadcast on TV. Don’t say or do anything you would not want your significant other to know about. Don’t say or do anything you would not say or do in front of the other person’s significant other. Do not post anything derogatory about another person on a social media site or in an email.
Verbal Forms of Harassment Threats or insults Comments about a person’s body Sexual jokes, suggestions or remarks Sexual stories or rumors Notes, letters, or graffiti Pressure to go out on dates Whistles or rude noises made towards another person
Physical Forms of Harassment Standing in someone’s way or standing too close Bumping into someone or brushing against a person on purpose Patting, hugging, kissing Grabbing, touching, or pinching Tearing or pulling clothing
Nonverbal Forms of Harassment Staring at someone’s body Sexual pictures or drawings Mimicking or pantomiming in an insulting manner Gestures or looks – winking, licking lips, or suggestive body movements
GOLDEN RULES Whenever possible, rely on courtesy rather than contact. Handshake instead of hug Encouraging words rather than a pat on the back Use the same sex standard Would you say the exact thing to a colleague of the same sex? Try the candid-camera test Would you be embarrassed if someone took a video of the action and passed it around for colleagues to see?
GOLDEN RULES (Continued) Compliment on merit, not appearance. Complimenting appearance rather than quality of work places gender and appearance above status of work. Think of how it would look in print. While good-natured humor is usually welcomed, resist the temptation to go for a laugh at the expense of someone else’s gender, ethnicity, or occupation.
GOLDEN RULES (Continued) Speak up. If you do not like someone else’s behavior, tell them. Be careful to criticize their behavior rather than the person. Don’t think saying you’re sorry is enough. Although advisable, simply apologizing will not make up for offensive language or behavior. There should also be an acknowledgement within the apology that the behavior was unacceptable.
With regard to Employee-to-Student, the behavior is ALWAYS forbidden With regard to Employee-to-Student, the behavior is ALWAYS forbidden . . . regardless of whether the student “welcomes” the conduct. STOP DHC ( Local) defines sexual harassment of students by staff to include “welcome or unwelcome advances.”
Responding to Harassment Talk to a friend, a counselor, or a relative. Talking about the situation often helps put the facts in perspective and provides solutions in dealing with the matter. Do not laugh at or disregard harassing remarks or behavior. Confront the harasser with a firm “No” at the first sign of sexual harassment. Let the harasser know that the behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Avoid being alone with the harasser.
Responding to Harassment Review the Frenship Employee Handbook or the FISD Policy Manual concerning procedures on sexual harassment. Resources: Policy DH (local/legal), Policy FB (local), FISD Employee handbook Immediately report and discuss the harassment issue with your supervisor, principal, or Title IX Coordinator. After a sexual harassment occurrence, ask any witnesses to verify your experience in writing.
Responding to Harassment Keep a written record which documents as precisely as possible what happened, when it took place, and any witnesses. Make it known, in front of other people that this type of behavior is offensive and unacceptable. Practice saying, “Stop! I find your conduct offensive!”
Deliberate Indifference If you have seen harassment, or it has been reported to you, you have “knowledge”. If you do not report it or take the necessary actions to prevent or stop the harassment, you can be held personally liable.
How Do I Avoid Committing Sexual Harassment? Educate yourself. Be sensitive and perceptive when interacting with students or employees. Keep all actions job-related. Avoid personal relationships with coworkers or students. Touch others only when necessary. Try never to be alone with a student.
WHAT IS SEXTING? Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit photos electronically, primarily through cell phones, or Sending or forwarding inappropriate emails containing offensive language.
WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY ABOUT SEXTING? Sexting to a juvenile by an adult is considered to be possession and/or promotion of child pornography and is a FELONY offense. It is BEST practice NOT to give your cell phone number to students or allow students to have access to your personal cell phone.
Sexual Abuse/Maltreatment As a person working in the education field, you are legally responsible for identifying and reporting child abuse and/or maltreatment within 48 hours of learning of the facts giving rise to the suspicion.
Maltreatment of Children Neglect is the most common form of child maltreatment. Neglect is when a parent, guardian, or other caregiver does not provide for a child’s basic needs. Neglect includes not providing food, shelter, supervision, health care, schooling, affection or support.
YOUR Role As A Professional: REPORT AND SUPPORT Be aware of the signs and symptoms Report any suspicion. It is NOT your job to investigate or wait for further evidence before reporting. Do not interview the child. Simply report and let the child know that you support them.
How To Report Two Ways to Report Abuse : 1-800-252-5400 Call the Abuse Hotline toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, nationwide. Make your report through a secure web site and you will receive a response within 24 hours. The law requires any person who believes that a child, or person 65 years or older, or an adult with disabilities is being abused, neglected, or exploited to report the circumstances to DFPS. A person making a report is immune from civil or criminal liability provided they make the report in good faith, and the name of the person making the report is kept confidential. Any person suspecting abuse and not reporting it can be held liable for a misdemeanor or state jail felony. Time frames for investigating reports are based on severity of allegations. Reporting suspected child abuse makes it possible for a family to get help.