Károly Gombás SDR PA5 HU coordinator 15.03.2017, EU WG-F 21st meeting, Bucharest
European Union level: Working Group on Floods (WG-F) Danube basin, level A Flood Protection Expert Group (FP-EG) Environmental Risks Priority Area (PA5)
Environmental Risks Priority Area (PA5) HU Coordination Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Károly GOMBÁS Priority Area Coordinator RO Coordination Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests Mr. Gheorghe CONSTANTIN Priority Area Coordinator Website: http://www.danubeenvironmentalrisks.eu/ New work programme for 2017-2019 period (coordination financed by DTP project) Activities in 2017 2017, end of June - workshop on possible fundings for educational institutes 2017, July the 5th - Annual meeting of the Hungarian Hydrological Society - special international side event; thematic: flood protection practices Special SDR edition of the Hydrological Journal, based on the side event outcomes in July, additionally research and scientific articles 2017, May, SG meeting by the Romanian partner; October the 17th SG meeting by the Hungarian partner, back-to-back with the SDR 6th annual forum
SDR PA5 projects in 2017 Ongoing supported projects DriDANUBE Danube Sediment Project development: InterFloodCourse (submitted DSPF project) LP: National University of Public Services Aims to develop e-learning material in flood protection DAREFFORT (aims DTP-II call in 2017-MAY) Focuses on better data share among countries, HU-LP ICPDR DanubeHIS system elaboration support Meeting foreseen in 10-11th of April in Budapest Danube Floodplain (aims DTP-II call in 2017-MAY) PA5 helps the development Focuses on floodplain retention and conveyance capacity, combined with favourable ecological development