Dunolly Neighbourhood Centre & Dunolly Arts Hub is proud to introduce Re-Coaterie 2019 4 Local Shires, Up to 15 Neighbourhood Houses, Plus Individuals & Artists, Using one universal Pattern in sizes 8-24
Neighbourhood Centres in four shires Central Goldfields Dunolly & District Neighbourhood Centre - Goldfields Employment & Learning Centre & Maryborough Community House Loddon: Boort Resource Information Centre - Inglewood Community Resource Centre - Pyramid Hill Neighbourhood House - Wedderburn Community House Hepburn: Clunes Neighbourhood House - Creswick Adult Learning Centre & Neighbourhood House - Daylesford Neighbourhood Centre -Trentham Neighbourhood Centre Pyrenees: Beaufort Community House & Learning Centre
This is the design we will be using, our patternmaker Cate Green has made the pattern as simple as possible
Delivery Lynda to visit every Neighbourhood Centre to introduce & explain project Introductory Design/ Inspiration Workshop Provided 3 Workshops per Shire - 14 hours in total Workshop Venues. 4 venues are identified - 1 per Shire All participants may attend these tailoring workshops provided by Cate Green in any shire. Cost of a set of patterns for each NHC has been added to grant proposal
Project targets 14 neighbourhood houses produce 5 garments each = 70 garments 10 individuals producing 1 garment each = 10 garments Manageable total of garments = 80 Garments 80 participants across 4 Shire, approximately 20 participants per Shire
There are many fabulous recycled fabrics that can be used
Japanese Boro Stitching, Embroidery, Painted, Printed & Appliqued the ways you can decorate are endless
Colours, Textures, Crazy Linings, Accent Features
Decorated Panels, Just Sleeves, Black & White
ReCoaterie Runway Show The project will finish with a extravaganza at the Butter Factory Venue in Maryborough with a runway show featuring artist participation Melbourne Runway Show will be held at a local Neighbourhood Centre and will feature, hired models, video presentation of previous runway show. We will also be having a photographic exhibition of the images of the coats set in local rural backgrounds after the project has finished. A video record of the project will be kept as we would like this to be an annual event, possibly in more remote shires next.
Are you inspired to join in the Re-Coaterie Project 2019