Preparación Hoy es jueves , el 25 de agosto de 2016 Today is Thursday, August 25 , 2016 DUE NOW: (As soon as entering class to fill out: Review day before) Name 2 reason why we study Spanish_______________ and ___________________ Write 2 study tips _________________ and __________________ Name 5 Countries where Spanish is the official language _____________ _____________________ _____________ ____________________ ____________ .
Homework 1. Review Greetings according to time of the day https://www Homework 1.Review Greetings according to time of the day Write the following in complete sentences in Spanish. a.Greet Señorita Ortiz y Señorita López in the morning. Ask their name and say yours. (each separate) b.Greet Sr. Gonzales and Sr. Morales in the afternoon. Ask their name say yours c. Greet 2 students: Patricia y Jorge you just meet in the evening. Ask their names 2. Review Formal and informal greetings 3.Practice spelling your name with alphabet in Spanish p.12 ¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre? Ex: Carlos ce a erre ele o ese
Agenda 8:25 Due Now (attendance) 8:25 Due Now (attendance) Collection of Classroom in Excellence. Back to school night Aug 30 Pg 1 Listen Chapter Para Empezar: Objectives Greetings according to time of day Practice with elbow partner, practice with face partner Class makes four lines 2 in front 2 in back greet each other Practice greetings with elbow partner according to time of day. Practice pairs and practice in groups Book . Para Empezar : Objectives beginning page Vocabulary Chapter Pgs 2, 4, 9, 12 and 22 Review ABCs, write them and practice them. Homework Agenda
Learning Targets What students are going to learn for the day. I can leave and greet people in a polite way pg2 Students understand 3 greetings according to time of the day with 100% accuracy pg4 Students will with 100% accuracy question What is your name? and the answer. pg2 I can use the alphabet to sound out words pg.12 I can talk about different parts of the body pg 9
¿Cómo te llamas? What is your name? Me llamo ….. My name is…… (say your name)
4 reasons for studying Spanish. Culture Career Opportunities Enjoy Your Spanish Experiences (travel, meeting and helping people) Improve your language Skills
4 Tips to learn Spanish. Use what you already know. Cognates You don’t need to know everything Look in books for Strategy and Recuerdas? Help remember key terms Make flash cards Use GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS HAVE FUN!!!
Useful Expressions ¿Cómo se dice? How do you say….? ¿Cómo se escribe? How do you spell…?
I will ask V: ve, W:doble v, Y: I griega.
Greetings according to time of the Day
¡Buenos días. Señora. Greeting in the morning ¿Como te llamas ¡Buenos días! Señora. Greeting in the morning ¿Como te llamas? Me llamo Marcela
Buenas tardes, señor. Greeting in the afternoon Buenas tardes Buenas tardes, señor. Greeting in the afternoon Buenas tardes! ¿Como te llamas? Me llamo Carmen. Mucho gusto. Encantado. (He answers)
Buenas noches Evening greeting. Hola, me llamo Carlos. ¿Y tú Buenas noches Evening greeting. Hola, me llamo Carlos. ¿Y tú? Hi, My name is Carlos. And you? Me llamo Lorena. Mucho gusto. My name is Lorena. Please to meet you. Encantado = delighted
EXIT TICKET Practice in Group Good morning____________________ Good afternoon___________________ Good evening______________________