Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy Chapter 17 Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy
John Tyler The Whigs placed him on the 1840 ticket as Vice President to attract states-rightists. He was Vice President under William Henry Harrison. He became President after Harrison died of pneumonia after only four weeks in office.
President John Tyler Tyler vetoed a bill to establish a new Bank of the United States. Consequences of the Veto: 1. They expelled him from the Whig Party 2. All but one member of his cabinet resigned. 3. An attempt was made in the House of Representatives to impeach him.
Dispute Over the Border of Maine It was between the British and the Americans. Solved by a compromise that gave each side territory. Aroostook War took place ( a war of words).
Texas One argument against annexing Texas to the U.S. was that the annexation might give more power to the supporters of slavery. Texas was annexed because President Tyler wanted to help his troubled administration.
Manifest Destiny The view that God had ordained the growth of an American nation stretching across North America.
Election of 1844 Henry Clay was the Whig Party Candidate. James K. Polk was the Democrat Party Candidate. Polk won the election.
Mexican War United States and Mexico went to war because of the following reasons: 1. Because of Manifest Destiny 2. Death of American soldiers at the hands of the Mexicans. 3. The desire to gain payment for damage claims against the Mexican government.
Continued “American blood on American Soil” – battle cry from the incident at the Rio Grande. One goal of the war was to free black slaves.
Officers of the American Army Steven W. Kearny – Santa Fe Zachary Taylor – Northern Mexico Winfield Scott – Mexico City John C. Fremont - California
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty that ended the Mexican War. United States paid 15 million dollars for the cession of Northern Mexico.
Wilmot Proviso Introduced to Congress during the Mexican War. The Proviso said that slavery would be banned from all territories that Mexico ceded to the United States. This symbolized the burning issue of slavery in the territories.