Working with Student Success Data: Session 2 (Jan. 31, 2014) Whatcom Community College Professional Development Workshop Winter 2014 Ed Harri Dean for Instruction Anne Marie Karlberg, Ph.D. Director of Assessment and Institutional Research Ed
Session 1 in-class activity sheet Question 4 from PIP/DIP data Age Are there any interesting trends in the student ages from 2008-09 to 2012-13? How do these compare to the institutional totals? Ethnicity Are there any interesting trends in student ethnicities from 2008-09 to 2012-13? How do these compare to institutional totals? Ed
Homework discussion – on activity sheet 1a. Course completion rates: From the PIP/DIP reports, examine your discipline’s or program’s course completion rates for 2008-13. What would your PIP/DIP reflection response be? Ed
Homework discussion – on activity sheet 1a. Course completion rates: From the PIP/DIP reports, examine your discipline’s or program’s course completion rates for 2008-13. What would your PIP/DIP reflection response be? 1b. Retention and graduation rates (homework and session 1 in-class activity #5): From the PIP/DIP reports, examine retention and graduation rates. What would your PIP/DIP reflection response be? Ed
Homework discussion – on activity sheet 1a. Course completion rates: From the PIP/DIP reports, examine your discipline’s or program’s course completion rates for 2008-13. What would your PIP/DIP reflection response be? 1b. Retention and graduation rates (homework and session 1 in-class activity #5): From the PIP/DIP reports, examine retention and graduation rates. What would your PIP/DIP reflection response be? 1c. Share the review and discussion of the above PIP/DIP data that you had with your program/ discipline colleague(s). Ed
Workshop outcomes Upon successful completion of the workshop, faculty and staff will be able to… find existing college, program, and course level data on the AIR website. develop quality responses to the data and questions presented in the PIP/DIP process. use data to better know their students and develop informed teaching strategies. write a well-developed data request. analyze data resulting from the assessment of student learning. provide leadership in discipline/department/program/service in interpreting and using data. write well-developed, data-informed professional plans, which include benchmarks for success at the individual and discipline/program level. present data in a variety of formats that are readable and understandable. AM
Session 2 outcomes Upon successful completion of the workshop, faculty and staff will be able to… find existing college, program, and course level data on the AIR website. develop quality responses to the data and questions presented in the PIP/DIP process. use data to better know their students and develop informed teaching strategies. write a well-developed data request. analyze data resulting from the assessment of student learning. provide leadership in discipline/department/program/service in interpreting and using data. write well-developed, data-informed professional plans, which include benchmarks for success at the individual and discipline/program level. present data in a variety of formats that are readable and understandable. AM
Group activity: Existing institutional data Answer the questions on the activity sheet about… 2. Math progression data 3. English progression data 4. Disaggregated course completion rates AM
2. Math progression % within 1 year, completing (with a C grade or better) a college-level... % within 2 years, completing (with a C grade or better) a college-level... First math course taken at WCC Quarter first math course was taken Number of students Math course Other Q/SR course Total (i.e., completed either a math or other Q/SR course) Other Q/SR course Math 097 Fall 2013 162 N/A Fall 2012 187 5% 2% 6% Fall 2011 201 23% 9% 25% Fall 2010 263 3% 1% 4% 18% 8% 21% Fall 2009 245 7% 27% 32% Fall 2008 240 19% Average 216 22% 24% Math 098 229 35% 37% 290 31% 34% 46% 51% 284 40% 11% 44% 54% 56% 297 38% 49% 20% 52% 255 45% 48% 269 Math 099 50 42 62% 14% 38 55% 16% 58% 68% 71% 37 70% 78% 86% 63% 66% 53 53% 17% 30% 60% 43 59% 36% 72% Ed
% completing English 101 (with a C grade or better) within... 3. English progression % completing English 101 (with a C grade or better) within... First English course taken at WCC Quarter first English course was taken Number of students 1 year 2 years English 095 Fall 2013 62 N/A Fall 2012 64 34% Fall 2011 85 29% 40% Fall 2010 86 37% 56% Fall 2009 90 51% Fall 2008 67 30% 36% Average 75 46% English 100 327 396 60% 413 65% 70% 532 61% 68% 511 62% 71% 461 59% 440 69% English 101 471 357 86% 351 87% 273 89% 287 88% 279 82% 83% 336 Ed
Instructor-gathered data test or assignment scores pre- and post-tests rubric data student surveys measures of student behaviors Key point: Data protocols must be followed Ed
Data request form Contact information Name Position (i.e., classified staff, exempt / administrator, faculty, student, other) Program, service, or office Phone Email Name of supervisor approving the request Date request submitted
Data request form Specifics about the data Prior requests: Have you requested this data on a prior occasion? If so, please forward the related emails and attachments. Research question or business practice: What question are you trying to answer with this data? Purpose: What is the reason for your data request? (e.g., Achieving the Dream, PIP, DIP, SIP, strategic planning, grant, etc.) Use of data: How will you use the data to improve student success? Audience: Who is the intended audience of the data? Selection criteria: What type of students should the data include or exclude (e.g., first time entering students, prof-tech students, students who have taken biology, males, GPA>3.0)? Be specific and define your terms. Time period: For what time period are you requesting data (e.g., fall 2012, academic year 2011-12, etc.)? AM
Data request form Data fields to include: In the table below, show exactly how you would like the data provided to you (i.e., insert the column and row headings and provide some fake data in the cells). All courses taught by John Smith from 2012-13 to 2013-14 AM
Data request form – example Data fields to include: In the table below, show exactly how you would like the data provided to you (i.e., insert the column and row headings and provide some fake data in the cells). All courses taught by John Smith from 2012-13 to 2013-14 Year Quarter Discipline Course # # of students Average grade 2013-14 fall HIST 101 24 2.6 winter ART 202 27 2.8 2012-13 spring ANTH 28 3.2 201 3.6 AM
Data Request or Question Share your responses to homework question #4 with your group members. Questions for the group: Is the request clear? Is the student group clearly identified? Is the measure clearly identified? Is the intent/purpose clear? How could the request be refined or improved? Begin to fill in the data request form. Ed
Data protocols student identification faculty identification small n’s interpretation of data presenting and reporting Both
Homework #2 Institutional or instructor gathered data Identify one piece of existing data (institutional data or instructor gathered) from your discipline that you “feel good” about. Identify one piece of existing data (institutional data or instructor gathered) from your discipline that you “are concerned” about. Share both of these with at least one other colleague. What is their/your reaction? Ideas? Next steps? Data question/request: Continue to refine your data question/request in the data request form. ed
Timeline 2:05 – 2:10 age and ethnicity 2:05 – 2:10 small group Course completion rates discussion 2:10 – 2:15 full group debrief 2:15 – 2:25 small group retention and graduation rate discussion (include #5 from session 1) 2:25 – 2:30 full group debrief 2:30 – 2:35 full group debrief on conversation with colleagues 2:35 – 2:50 present basics and then have them work for a few minutes answering the questions on math and English data – emphasize that this type of interpretation helps in the data request process 2:50 – 3:00 disaggregated course completion rates 3:00– 3:05 discuss different types of instructor-gathered data 3:05 –3:23 small group HW question #4 on data that would be useful full group debrief 3:23-3:25 discuss data protocols that must be followed by IR and by faculty working on projects 3:25 – 3:30 explain homework for next time
List of Handouts Sign in Sheet Session 2 activity sheets (white) – AMK 1 packet Handout (purple) Data Request Form (buff) data protocols (purple) Homework (grey) Data packet (white) math progression English progression Biology disaggregated