The Elements & Principles of Art Yarn Paintings/Nearikas
Nearikas and yarn paintings are pieces of folk art created by the Huichol people of Mexico.
Huichol people The Huichol people live in the remote and rugged Sierra Madre Mountains of northwestern Mexico. They live in small villages that are sheltered from the influences of the outside world. They live without electricity or running water and cook over open fires. Most of the Huichol people farm their own maize (corn), beans, squash and chilies. They also hunt for food.
The Huichol men create several types of artwork including nearikas, yarn paintings and beaded sculptures.
One reason the Nearikas and yarn paintings are created is for income One reason the Nearikas and yarn paintings are created is for income. The Huichol people sell some of their artwork to tourists in areas such as Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta. The tourists often know little about the people who make the items, and the meanings of the designs.
What is folk art? What is fine art?
Folk Art v. Fine Art Folk art is usually created by indigenous culture or by peasants who are self-taught. Created to be a useful, decorative or reflect cultural identity Traditional rules of proportion and perspective are not generally used. Wide range of decorative media (cloth, beads, etc.) Fine art is usually created by formally trained people. Created for aesthetic or conceptual reasons Often uses accurate proportion and perspective Uses painting, drawing, graphics, architecture, etc.
Folk Art Doll Sculpture Bill Fink Sheep Folk Art Sculpture Flower and Pearl Studios The Pond Grandma Moses Nearika Huichol Indians Folk Art Chicken Quilt Pattern Liz Schwartz & Stephen Seifert
Fine Art King and Queen Henry Moore The Troll Kim Graham American Gothic Grant Wood The Scream Edvard Munch Ru Du Parc TJ Owens
Yarn Painting Materials
What do these pieces of artwork have in common?
What is Pattern?
Requirements Yarn Painting: Planning sheet Rough draft Yarn painting Complete art history reading/questions Complete peer-assessment Complete self-assessment and questions Yarn Painting: Create a large stylized- in a unique way- animal Create unity Include 5 yarns Color scheme is either warm or cool + neutrals Include at least 3 patterns Smooth edges of the felt and mat No evidence of glue showing Yarn is adhered well and lays flat Original- one of a kind patterns Application of yarn is varied/unique Cover the felt entirely Mat the finished piece