Promoting Sustainable Living at Lafayette ECOreps 2014 Promoting Sustainable Living at Lafayette
Who are ECOreps? Representatives promoting sustainable living within dorms Promotion through monitoring, education, and programming Collaborate with Reslife and Plant-Ops Rachel
Who has an ECOreps program? Derek
Example Initiative: Dickinson Energy Challenge
Example Initiative: RecycleMania (Lehigh) Rachel
What are the responsibilities of an ECOrep? Advocate for sustainable practices on campus Educate students on green living and sustainable initiatives at Lafayette Monitor waste, electricity, and water usage Plan events to raise awareness and promote green living Help freshman transition into dorm life Shawn
Our Pilot Program ECOreps will attend an orientation over move-in weekend Attend weekly or monthly meetings to coordinate programing Hold two events/month within assigned dorm Hold at least one joint dorm or campus-wide competition/program Rachel
Example Responsibilities Weekly/monthly bulletins Keep dorm updated on sustainable events on campus Battery/electronics recycling Recycling enforcement Signage CFL exchange Dorm competitions with prizes Green move in and move out Derek
How do I become an ECOrep? Fill out an application found at Due via email by: Monday May 5, 2014 Direct questions to, or stop by our table in Lower over lunch next week (Mon 4/28/14; Wed 4/30/14 and Fri 5/2/14) Rachel
What’s next? The Eco-Reps planning committee meets Thursdays, 7-8 in Pardee 201 Outlining initiatives and establishing training program in the coming weeks Shawn