Quick Write… If you were a team captain graduating what would you say to your teammates and underclassmen the last time you were all together as a team?
George Washington's Farewell Address A Roadmap For Our Country
Praises the Federal Government Important that the federal government and individual states be unified. This will ensure that all goals of the US Constitution are met. If this does not happen, it will not be easy to achieve the goals of the Declaration of Independence. (Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness).
Warns Against Political Parties Political parties would cause the government to lose focus on what was best for the country. Political parties would make people focus only on what’s “good for the party.”
Avoid Accumulation of Debt He said in terms of credit and debt, the nation should not accumulate debt. If debt is accumulated, all efforts should be made to pay it off even if it meant raising money through taxes.
Warns Against Permanent Foreign Alliances Washington advised the country to avoid “foreign involvement” No permanent alliances with other countries, they may draw us into conflicts with other nations.
On an over-powerful military establishment Not necessary to have a military that was larger than one that was needed to defend the country. Anything else could be perceived as threatening to other countries in the world.