Changes for the better Refers to personal development in a desired direction Individual is said to show growth when he becomes more capable and competent, more productive and creative, more perceptive, insghtful and understanding, or more knowledgeable, prudent and discerning. A process of self actualization. Become more fulfilled, completed or perfected.
ACTUALIZING ONESELF Herbert A. Otto states the human potentiality hypothesis that human beings have capacities or powers far beyond those which are realized. Create growth through more open communication, loving, caring and trust.
Unfreezing oneself In order to grow, we need to unfreeze We suspend our fixed ideas about ourself and become open to new experince through observation, reflection and meditation. Other people help us growing by confirming our progress and by encouraging dan even challenging us to be more than we are or think we can be
Becoming oneself Individual drops his defenses Experiences the hidden aspects of himself Discovers who he is More open to experience, more trusting of himself, more responsible for himself and more willing to accept himself as involved.
Developing Individual Potential Throw out all habits system To begin by becoming aware of how habits stifle us Aware of how habist systems impinge on us How they keep us form new experiences
Tugas Dari kedua contoh yang ada, buatlah suatu analisa untuk menentukan contoh mana yang menunjukkan growth dan yang tidak, berdasar teori yang sudah didapat. Diskusikan dalam kelompokmu!