Scholarships 101 Leigh Ann Brown, Sheri Crigger and Nancy Wolfe HCS District College Counselors
HCS District College Counselors Leigh Ann Brown Huntsville and Jemison 256-226-7637 Sheri Crigger Grissom and Lee 256-529-8842 Nancy Wolfe Columbia and New Century 256-348-8443
Financial Aid Scholarships Grants Loans Work Study * Reminder: FAFSA is open for 12th graders at Submit your application for 2019- 2020. In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Be willing to accept these truths: Searching for scholarships requires significant time and effort. There are no guaranteed outcomes with competitive scholarships. There are no scholarships for being a “good kid”. In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Sources of Scholarships College Military National Organizations Local Organizations In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Scholarships from the College Merit (GPA/ACT) Performance (fine arts & athletics) Departmental Other In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Merit Scholarships from the College Some colleges consider academic merit scholarships to be “automatic”. If you are accepted to the college and meet the requirements for ACT/GPA, you will receive the scholarship. Some colleges require a separate scholarship application for merit scholarships or competitive scholarships (AU, UA, UAB, UAH, Calhoun, etc.) December is the deadline at many colleges! In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
How can I find out about Merit Scholarships from the College? Search the Scholarship page on the college website Talk with admissions/financial aid advisors from the college Read information received by mail/email You will receive an offer from the college only AFTER you are admitted In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Deadlines Do I have to submit multiple applications? Where can I find the deadline for scholarships? What is a “priority deadline”? What is the last ACT/SAT score I can submit for scholarships? In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Merit Scholarships from the College Example: University of Alabama at Birmingham ( GPA ACT Scholarship Award 3.5 or higher 30 – 36 Tuition + fees ($10,710) 27 – 29 $8,000 3.0 – 3.49 24 – 26 $4,000 20 – 23 $2,500 24 - 29 In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Merit Scholarships from the College Example: Alabama A& M University 2018-2019 *Heritage Awards based on results of FAFSA as well as merit (GPA & Test scores). There are a limited number of awards. GPA ACT Heritage Awards 2.5 – 2.99 17-22 $1,500 3.0 – 3.24 $3,500 3.25 or higher $5,000 Merit Scholarship Award 23 $16,500 (full tuition) 3.75 or higher 28 $36,000 (tuition+ room + board + books) In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
The same student may receive very different awards at different colleges: Student GPA 3.45 & ACT 32 College Merit Scholarship Notes Calhoun Varies Competitive AAMU $16,500 Auburn $0 UA UAH $4,810 UAB $8,000 UNA Samford Private college Mississippi State $14,000 Out-of-state college In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
The same student may receive very different awards at different colleges: Student GPA 3.00 & ACT 22 College Merit Scholarship Notes Calhoun Varies Competitive AAMU $3,500 Auburn $0 UA UAH UAB UNA $2,000 Samford Private college Mississippi State Out-of-state college In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Performance Scholarships Fine Arts (band, theater, visual arts, etc.) Participation vs. Major Athletic In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Departmental Scholarships Offered by various departments on campus Examples – Engineering, Nursing, Business, Music, etc. Check the department page on the college website for details Some of these scholarships are only available to upperclassmen who have declared a major. In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Other Scholarships from the College Leadership Special Programs such as “Ambassadors” Need-based grants First-Generation Foundation In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Sample Scholarship Page on College Website
Military Scholarships ROTC Service Academies In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Local Scholarships Offered by a business or organization Usually $500 or $1000 One-time vs. renewable Criteria varies – be willing to search Competitive List is available in Naviance under the “Colleges” tab In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Scholarship Info in Naviance
What the list looks like in Naviance…
Tips for a Strong Scholarship Application Develop your resume. Naviance Resume Builder tool is available. Most scholarships require an essay. Get someone to proofread your essay before submitting. Give teachers plenty of time to write recommendations Follow directions Submit your best work Keep up with Deadlines! In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
Searching for Scholarships Online Be prepared to invest time in “research” for scholarships for which you qualify Scholly app for Android and Apple devices National college search on Naviance through Sallie Mae In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .
*** Please complete the survey before you leave! *** Reminders: Be mindful of deadlines! Keep up with all paperwork from colleges Send copies of scholarship offers to your Counselor Scholarships from the college must be accepted or declined by May 1 *** Please complete the survey before you leave! *** In Item B, if this is the first time you are taking an AP Exam, print your legal name, last name first. Otherwise, print the name you used on previous answer sheets. Below each box, fill in the oval with the corresponding letter and then check each filled-in oval to make sure it is the correct one. . . .