17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE Feasibility Review (EdF) Prévessin Heating Plant & Compressed Air Production Electricity and Controls Renewal
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE 5 – Heating plant self monitoring 1 – Electricity 2 – Compressed air 3 – Heating groups local control 4 – Heating plant control & supervision
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE Work packagesId. Short description 1Electricity 2Compressed air – central control & remote monitoring 3Heating groups (#1, #2, #3) – local control 4Heating plant – central control & remote monitoring 5Heating plant – self monitoring
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE Main objectives Long-term maintainability Fulfillment of process operational needs – Compressed air: ST-CV standard control architecture – Heating plant: ST-FM compatibility with tertiary sector & reuse the Meyrin Heating Plant architecture, as far as possible – Remote monitoring: Rationalization of the TCR data Conformity to AFNOR NF E (1/12/96) Creation and/or upgrade of documentation
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE Hardware redundant transmission of main alarms via APIMMD07 (existing, -EREM Project-) Profibus DP Fieldbus Compressed AirHeating Plant (utilities) Central supervision Local control Heating Group # 3 Profibus DP Fieldbus Heating Group # 2 Local control Heating Group # 1 CERN Ethernet TCP/IP Technical Network Wizcon TCR Compressor # 2Compressor # 3 Compressor # 1 Controls architecture ( except self monitoring ) Software redundancy Local control
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE Package # 1: Electricity Two independent main feeds Cabling – between the secondary of the transformer and the different cabinets & cubicles Renewal of the LV cubicles Provisional feed for compressed air production during works Proposed execution Material: November 2003 On-site installation: May 2004 Estimated duration: 4 weeks
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE Package # 2: Compressed air Central control for the 3 operational compressors (+1 backup) Supervision SCADA (Wizcon) TCR integration Proposed execution Studies & factory implementation: 2003 On-site installation: June 2004 Estimated duration: 2 weeks
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE Package # 3: Heating groups - local Replacement of the PLC Integration of the local displays and regulators in the PLC Installation of an operation panel Replacement of the oxygen controls servo by a VFD Proposed execution On-site installation group #1: Aug 2003 Estimated duration: 2 weeks On-site installation #2, #3: June 2004 Estimated duration: 4 weeks
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE Package # 4: Heating plant - central Central control for the utilities and monitoring of the three groups Control cabling and cubicles renewal Instrumentation inventory (and renewal if required) Local supervision and TCR integration Proposed execution Studies : 2003 On-site installation: June 2004 Estimated duration: 4 weeks
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE Package # 5: Self-monitoring Replacement of the supervision platform and communications Upgrade of the self-monitoring controls and electricity NF E Décembre 1996 Equipements de chaufferie à caractère industriel – Sécurité dexploitation des générateurs de vapeur deau ou deau surchauffée avec ou sans présence humaine permanente Proposed execution Installation of the supervision: Sept 2003 Estimated duration: 1 week Self-monitoring upgrade: June-July 2004 Estimated duration: 8 weeks
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE AFNOR NF E Décembre 1996 Ce document a pour objet de définir quatre modes possibles dexploitation des ensembles de production de vapeur deau ou deau surchauffée ainsi que les termes les plus couramment utilisés dans ce domaine, et de fixer les prescriptions générales de sécurité pour chacun de ces modes – mode dexploitation avec présence permanente – mode dexploitation avec présence intermittente – mode dexploitation en télécontrôle – mode dexploitation en autocontrôle Ces définitions et prescriptions concernent la surveillance, la conduite et les équipements de ces ensembles de production
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE PROJECT REQUESTER NameDivision/GroupTelephoneMobile RequesterMauro NONISST/FM Requesters deputyPaul PEPINSTERST/FM TSOYvon BRUST/CV Budget code holderMauro NONISST/FM PROJECT TEAM NameDivision/GroupTelephoneMobile Project LeaderMaria Carmen MORODO TESTAST/CV Correspondents Yannic BODY (LV electricity)ST/CV/CE Yvon BRU (Heating plant operation)ST/CV/OP Serge DELEVAL, Michel KOLLY (Air compressed network operation)ST/CV/OP François LEVRIER (Heating plant self monitoring expertise)ST/CV/TR Maria Carmen MORODO TESTA (Controls and supervision)ST/CV/CE Jerome PIERLOTST/EL Paul PEPINSTERST/FM Frederic HAVARTST/MA/IN Frankie CARELLIST/MA/TC71807
17 June 2003 M. C. Morodo Testa / ST-CV-CE Conclusions Heating plant and compressed air are essential utilities – User and O&M requirements review – Safety requirements review (AFNOR NF E32-020) Work planning must respect operational constraints Hence, the splitting in 2 phases: , which allows the execution of in-house detailed studies while assuring the operational period engagements