Student Technology Programs Information and Communication Technology Program of Study
What is GBiT? College and career preparation Student leadership Exploring Computer Science What is GBiT? College and career preparation Student leadership Real world hands-on experience Project-based and individualized learning GBiT Syllabus IT Essentials “GBiT” AP Computer Science Principles Tech Leadership “GBiT”
What is GBiT? “Hiring” Process Registration Application Resume Exploring Computer Science What is GBiT? “Hiring” Process Registration Application Resume Interview GBiT Code of Conduct IT Essentials “GBiT” AP Computer Science Principles Tech Leadership “GBiT”
Real-World Experience Goal Setting Communication Customer Service Professional Development Team Collaboration Technical Skills Delegation and Management Skills
Granite Bay High School - ICT Pathway Exploring Computer Science IT Essentials “GBiT” AP Computer Science Principles Tech Leadership “GBiT”
Projects Chromebook Cart Deployment and Reservation System GBHS Website Transition Community Websites SSDs and CPU upgrade Cisco WiFi School-wide RAM Upgrade AP, Counseling, Nurse, and GBiT Check-in Systems
Projects Computer Lab Upgrades (3 labs this summer) Chromebook Cart Setup EOS Survey and SBAC Testing Technology Inventory System Reducing the cost of printing on campus Investigating wi-fi connectivity on campus iOS apps
Project Management 3-Week Sprint Cycle Goal Setting Beginning of Sprint Progress Monitoring Weekly Performance Grade Trello Task Management System Evaluation End of Sprint
GBiT Teams Tech Web Management and Development Computer Science Cyber Security * Team Descriptions
Tech Provide Technological Support to Staff on Campus. FreshDesk (HelpDesk) Work with RJUHSD Technology Services. Complete Several Hundred Calls Per Year. Specialized Training and Certifications. GBHS Community Tech Support. Campus Wide Technology Projects.
Tech Training Structured: Student Created and Led Example: Cisco Networking Academy Microsoft Virtual Academy Cybrary Professor Messer CompTIA and Mike Meyers Student Created and Led Example: Making a Network Cable
Web Design and Development Learn coding languages like: HTML5 and CSS3. Learn backend website administration using WordPress. Work on client websites from the community. Update and improve the the GBHS website.
Web Training Code Academy The Odin Project Interactive resource to learn the most popular Current coding languages. HTML5 CSS3 Javascript The Odin Project Information about real world web design and development as a service. Tools Necessary for Web Design Career Information
M&D Training teachers on Google Apps for Education, Chromebooks, and other Software. Learn how to professionally communicate with teachers. Work on the Wordpress website compiling numerous resources we’ve developed. M&D technicians will be given many opportunities to help present in front of teachers in small group settings and at district-wide Professional Development days.
M&D GBHS Chromebook Online Reservation System Kahoot Google Basics Training Socrative
Google at GBHS Website Google at GBHS Website
Computer Science Android and iOS Apps for Granite Bay High School We learn Java, Python, C, Objective-C, Swift, and more For all levels of programmers, beginning to advanced Participate in various hackathons and HP CodeWars
Cyber Security Training provided by Cisco’s Networking Academy, CyberPatriot,Cybrary.IT, Cyber Aces, and Sandia Labs Self motivated and taught with guidance CyberPatriot competition sponsored by the United States Air Force.
CyberPatriot Cybersecurity competition Possible scholarships Motivation, Guidance Character building Goal setting Mentors
Contact GBiT Mr. Imrie - Granite Bay High school 916-786-8676 x5505