Machine Tolerances in Cleaning Insertions J. Wenninger AB-OP SPS Beam Operation Tolerances Orbit stabilization Beam optics 30.06.2004 Collimation Review / J. Wenninger
Collimation Review / J. Wenninger A world of collimators Operation without collimators (‘All OUT’) is only possible at the LHC with very low intensity and around injection : One pilot-ish bunch (5 ×109 p) no quench expected One nominal bunch (1011 p) no damage, but risk of quench At high energy use of collimators will be mandatory, but coarse settings are acceptable for ‘low’ intensity … and during the initial phases. This is of course independent of the collimator design issue. 30.06.2004 Collimation Review / J. Wenninger
Getting started at injection The available machine aperture at injection is 8.5s with a margin of 4 mm closed orbit + 20% b-beat + mom. offset + mech. tolerances Protection devices for injection will be set 7s primary collimators will be set to 5.5-6s Both absolute orbit excursions and b-beat must be under control, or else the collimator settings of 5-6 s must be tightened even more ! 30.06.2004 Collimation Review / J. Wenninger
Constraints on machine changes The following machines changes (wrt a reference situation) lead to a 50% degradation of the nominal betatron cleaning efficiency : 8% b-beating 0.6 s orbit shift 50 mrad angle change Collimation inefficiency versus position error Tolerances are cleary tigher if there is a combined change of b-beat, orbit … as is often the case ! may have to take a factor 2 off from those numbers ! Note : the simulations were made for an older ‘version’ (2002) of the cleaning system ! 30.06.2004 Collimation Review / J. Wenninger
Orbit tolerances for the LHC With time demands for orbit stabilization have poped up everywhere around the LHC. A more or less exhaustive list : Cleaning section IR3/7 < 0.3 s 70 mm TCDQ absorber in IR6 < 0.5 s 200 mm Q-meter and transverse damper in IR4 200 mm Injection points IR2/IR8 200 mm Injection protection devices IR2/IR8 < 0.5 s 500 mm (?) Stabilization for collisions TOTEM experiment IR5 20 mm (!!!) Protection – global orbit ~ 500 mm rms e-cloud(*) – global orbit <1000 mm rms ? 7 TeV Note the expected BPM systematic errors : intensity (pilot nominal bunch) 100 mm bunch length changes (injection – flat top) 100 mm ? Presently ‘studied’ at the SPS… (*) : not formally expressed – but to be expected from SPS experience… 30.06.2004 Collimation Review / J. Wenninger
Collimation Review / J. Wenninger Expected orbit drifts Phase Total drift / rms Time scale Comment Injection 2 mm 15 min Decay Start ramp 2 mm 20 sec Snapback Ramp few mm 20 min SPS/LEP experience Squeeze 2-20 mm few min Depends on orbit quality in insertions Collisions few mm hours LEP orbit Some drifts (ramp, squeeze) are probably sufficiently reproducible to use feed-forward from one fill to the next for the bulk part. Most drifts become critical on time scales > 1-10 seconds. 30.06.2004 Collimation Review / J. Wenninger
Ground motion at LEP If the LHC moves like LEP we are safe. f 0.1 Hz : no problem expected… Average ±1s LEP rms orbit drifts in 1998 for 390 fills, normalized to b=1 m f > 0.1 Hz : Amplitudes O(few mm) should be OK If the LHC moves like LEP we are safe. Note : The large time constants of the orbit corrector power converter (10-200 s) and the available voltage limit useful orbit corrections to f 1 Hz (at 7 TeV) ! 30.06.2004 Collimation Review / J. Wenninger
Orbit feedback overview A global real-time orbit stabilization + local ‘refinements’ is considered to satisfy all the demands : Sampling rate 5 – 25 Hz (design is 10 Hz) for corrections at up to 0.2-1 Hz. Upper limit is 50 Hz due to power converter controls. Data transmission from 70 front-end computers (1000 readings/plane) to central feedback over switched Gigabit Ethernet (LHC technical network). Central processing on Linux systems (multi-processor) with (almost) hard real-time capabilities. A total processing delay < 40 ms is feasible. Fan-out of corrections to PC front-end systems (500 correctors/plane). If there are performance problems local loops in cleaning insertions ! 30.06.2004 Collimation Review / J. Wenninger
Collimation Review / J. Wenninger b-beating With only ~ 8% b-beating change tolerated, a good correction of the optics is required at all stages Ramp (decay & snapback seem OK). Squeeze Dynamic squeeze in collisions for LHCb. Fancy knobies (arrrgh !!). … There are lot’s of distributed sources of b-beat Spool-piece corrector alignement. Orbit in sextupoles. Quadrupole calibrations (nominal accuracy ±2 x 10-4 5% b-beat change during squeeze, Ok but near the limit…). work ahead ! 30.06.2004 Collimation Review / J. Wenninger
b-beating measurement Careful optics adjustments will have to be made : K-modulation : available (as far as I know !) in cleaning IRs - control of hysteresis effects ? At 7 TeV the quadrupoles will not be far from saturation. - good measurements require continuous / PLL Q measurements. Not expected to be available before some months after startup. Kicks / AC dipoles combined with multi-turn BPM data : - beware of oscillation amplitude limits ! This issue clearly deserves a closer look…. 30.06.2004 Collimation Review / J. Wenninger
On the road to a nominal LHC… Beam cleaning offers new challenges for retired LEP operation cowboys : lot’s of tuning ahead – at least as far as the tight tolerance allow it ! The relatively tight orbit control in the cleaning sections is manageable. Tight optics control is much more tricky. Deserves further studies and … lot’s of work on the beam ! 30.06.2004 Collimation Review / J. Wenninger