Taxonomy and Evolution Taxonomy – (a branch of Biology) involves the identification, naming, and classification of species One goal of taxonomy is to assign a universal scientific name to each known species
Binomial Nomenclature Each species is assigned a two part scientific name Scientific names are written in italic First word begins with a capital letter Genus Second word is lowercase Species Ex: Homo sapian
The Linnaean System of Classification K: King P: Phillip C: Came O: Over F: For G: Good S: Spaghetti
Modern Evolutionary Classification Phylogeny – the evolutionary history of lineages is to group species into larger categories that reflect lines of evolutionary descent, rather than overall similarities and differences
Phylogenetic Trees The pattern of branches can tell you how closely related species are The farther the “split” the further “away” the two species are from each other The closer the “split” the more related
Cladistics Method mostly used today Derived Characters – unique features that unite the organisms as a clade (group) Cladogram – links groups of organisms by showing how evolutionary lines, or lineages, branched off from common ancestors.
Six Kingdom Scheme Eubacteria Archaebacteria Protist Fungi Plantae Animalia