DISQUALIFIED Bible Teachers Titus 1:10-16 DISQUALIFIED Bible Teachers
Review Apostle Paul wrote to Titus in Crete Qualifications for Church Leaders Titus 1:5-9 + Gender – male + Family – one-woman man, children under control + Personal – blameless, 5 vices to not have, 6 virtues + Doctrinal – hold fast to sound doctrine, able to teach ‘For’ connects 1:5-9 and 1:10-16 Greece Crete Asia [modern Turkey] Mediterranean Sea
I. Men Who Turn From The Truth Are DISQUALIFIED 10-14 Turn from truth in their teaching 10,11 Turn from truth by lying 12-14 Application – Being truthful is an essential quality for every Christian. By sticking to the apostolic teaching of the New Testament we stay on the path of truth in our beliefs. By lying we turn away from what we believe. Tell the truth. Bible teachers who turn from the truth of the Bible should be disqualified.
II. Men Who Are Impure Are DISQUALIFIED 15, 16 The pure see all things as pure 15a The impure see nothing as pure 15b The impure are disqualified 16 Application – Works result from authentic saving faith. Your works should stand the test first of God and then of other believers. You become pure when you are converted to Christ by the sin cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.