Change4Life Project: Change4Life is the government’s biggest public information campaign in five years. The project was to create a coherent communications programme that involves, educates and changes the behaviour of families with kids – especially those who are not so well off Challenge: Insight shown that mums and kids will not respond to lecturing or repetitive communications. We needed to engage them using a number of different techniques, mimicking the way they consume mass media like magazines and TV shows and absorbing the latest thinking in changing behaviour. Our advice needed to be broken down into the most basic step by step guides, not assuming any prior knowledge. Solution: We created a behaviour change programme with materials that not only instruct but also demonstrate through examples, real life stories, quizzes, games and exercises. We Encourage interactivity on many levels so mums understand they’re part of a national ‘movement’ that’s there to support them Results: Over 320,500 initial action packs have been distributed This features a magazine style handbook, a wall chart to help with 5 a day and loads of stickers The centre of the next phase of comms is the nation’s largest ever survey into our kids’ health Over 11 million surveys were distributed in February Parents filled in a typical day’s activity for their kids – they get back a personalised reply and action plan This is the start of an ongoing interactive behaviour change programme Over 250,000 responses were received.
Action pack