Instructional A. V Media and Educational Technology Dr. Antar S Instructional A.V Media and Educational Technology Dr. Antar S. Abdellah
Modern Technologies
CDs, DVDs Antar Abdellah
CDs, DVDs Storage devices Floppy 1.44 MB Hard Disk 20-200 + CD 650 + Dvd 4700 MB, 8000 MB
EDUCATIONAL USES Encyclopedias (Britannica – Americana) Atlases (National Geographic), Dictionaries ( Macmillan, Longman, Webster, LANE) Games and activities (100 action songs) Music (the art of listening) Software and applications (windows, office, lang labs)
Educational uses Clip Art and Media Databases (ERIC, Education review) Blank for recording students and teachers’ data m
Search in databases Searching skills (playing with words) Searching connectors (AND, OR, NOT) Searching limits (before, after, all) Searching types (dissertations, periodicals, theses, books, articles, reviews, interviews..) Search tips (‘’, +, truncation, wild cards)
Advantages of CDs Storage capacity Portability durability Low cost of replication Inexpensive Availability speed
Disadvantages of CDs Cost for updates or subscription Installation problems Getting out of date
DVDs Digital video disks Digital Versatile Disks Minimum 4.7, up to 8 GB, or 16 GB High quality video, ability to select scene Using subtitles, critics review, questions for study Different versions of the film Current innovations (light scribe)
Presentations and Hyper Programs Antar Abdellah